Below are a few tips that we would like to pass along that we hope will prove beneficial to you. For those of you who are considering keeping an Alzheimer's victim in your home, we would like to add these additional words:

Due to the extreme pressures, both emotional and physical, that you and your immediate family will face in the coming years, for the married couple, it is imperative that this decision be made by both the husband and the wife. Both of you must undestand that tremendous strains will be placed on the marriage and each of you will have to depend on the other. It will get to the point that there is no norm. Things normally done by the wife may have to be done by the husband and vice versa. Things you used to do together may have to be done by only one of you. Your life and, to some extent, your marriage will have to be put on hold. During this time, you will have to become each others best friend and be ever mindful of the feelings of each other.

In the beginning, we were totally in the dark about this disease and the effects it causes. There are many educational materials on Alzheimer's Disease. Two books that we feel are among the best and that we highly recommend are:

THE 36-HOUR DAYThis book was written by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins, M.D. and is a family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer's Disease. It not only helps you better understand this disease, it gives you practical tips to help you cope with the everyday frustrations. Of all the resources that we have read on Alzheimer's, this book has been our constant "companion". We rate this book as exceptional!!! (Warner Books-Copyright 1981 by the Johns Hopkins Univerisity Press)

LIVING IN THE LABYRINTH Written by Diana Friel McGowin, this book is the personal account of the author, who is a victim of Alzheimer's Disease. Diana tells of her personal journey, "which started at age 45 when she began to struggle the memory lapses and disorientation that signaled the onset of Alzheimer's Disease. It is the first intimate account written by an AD sufferer. McGowin not on chronicles her battle against devastating illness but captures forever the thoughts for her have become all too fleeting". (Delacorte Press-Copyright 1993 by Elder Books)

One of the main priorities to be considered is to determine the financial status of the patient. Alzheimer's Disease will become extremely costly. If you have to work, and there is no family member available to care for the patient during this period, you are looking at a minimum cost of in-home help of approximately $400 per week. In addition to the in-home care cost, you will have to consider cost of medicines and hygenic supplies (including Depends, bed pads, latex gloves, lotions and creams, etc.). This could cost in the vicinity of $450 a month or more. Medicare pays very little. For these reasons, we suggest that you contact your local Social Service Department, Social Security Administration, and your local Council on Aging as soon as possible to inquire into what the requirements are for medicaid or other assistance for the patient. Eligibility will be determined by the patient's assets. If the patient owns real property (house and/or land), any type of public assistance may constitute a lien upon that property by the State. Many states have a provision that any real property must have been disposed of at least 3 years prior to the granting of public assistance.

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