The music of Anand clique. - click. has been said to be the heaviest music to emerge from Chicago ever. "An experience of pure evil." - Josh Elmore, 7,000 Dying rats "Intense." - Marc Valentino, Rebel Radio "Makes me want to kill everybody." - Evil Pete, WUIC "listening to Anand clique.'s CD, click., is like audio cocaine." - Nick Barber, Maxtrax
Request Anand clique. on your local heavy radio station, or request Anand clique. on Rebel Radio! VIA phone: (847)498-3367 VIA e-mail: Then, proceed to
Anand clique. email: address: Sonic Wave International anand clique. 415 S. Maple, suite #603 Oak Park, IL 60302 OR ask your local music stores and internet music stores!!!!