Within this place you will find all the people who knowingly or unknowingly assisted the dragon in the making of this world she inhabits. 
Fusion Graphics When I first started playing with homepages a nice young man convinced me that even computer illiterate 42 year olds could learn to do these things. So I listened to him and called for help whenever I needed it. This is where you will find him, take a look see what he is up to.                        Thank you Shadowbyte
Danny Martin Entertainment
My friend Daniel made the scrolling welcome for me and some of the graphics. He's an amazing person, very talented. Alot of the things I've managed to do I have learned from Daniel. Check out his homepage.
I have collected alot of backgrounds in the making of these pages. I would like to thank all those people whose work I have used, or whose work has inspired me to make my own. it is most gratefully appreciated. If I have missed anyone please accept my deepest apologies.
Graphics by Wings Background "blue stream" on crossroads 
Borders by Silverhair Mother and baby dragon background 
Graphics by Ann S Thesia
Designs by Windy
Sassy Quest
Boogie Jack
Crystal Fantasy
Tasco Designs
The pictures that you will see on these pages have all been drawn or painted by extremely talented people.  Most of them I have found on the web and to my knowledge have not taken them from any site that has expressly forbiden it. If however my showing this art work offends anyone, please feel free to let me know and I will remove it immediatly
 Inte0262 © Cyrus Lam  1993
Achillcos © Chris Achillcos
Bluedrag  © Dave Bowden 

~celtic music~
back to the hallway
Background © dragonlady 1998