Final Fantasy 8!!!

Oh Ye Of Little Faith... Yes, it is finally here. Final Fantasy 8. Nothing much is known about this game yet, since Squaresoft has tried to keep it under wraps. They have however, given a press conference in Japan where a few details to the game were given. A few images were also shown, all of which I am showing down below. You can also see that there is a text version of the press conference given by Squaresoft. I also have listed all information on the only characters released by Squaresoft which are Squall Leonhart, Laguna Loire, and two characters named Zell and Lenore. Their bios are also listed below. So if any of you have any additional information it would be gladly appreciated.

All of the Final Fantasy 8 Released Images

Blue Dragon:
City Fountain:
City Restaurant:
Desert-City Border:
Devastating Fire Spell:
Emotionless Squall:
Exchanged Challenges:
Fiery Explosion:
Fiery Tidal Wave:
Final Fantasy 8 Cover:
Final Fantasy 8 Logo Line:
Final Fantasy 8:
Girl and Guy:
God's Wrath Strikes:
Militaristic Jungle:
Mysterious Forest:
Overhanging Moon:
Passing throught the Streets:
Reptilian Monster:
Seaside Tower:
Squall Casts a Spell:
Squall in Ornate Chapel:
Squall Leonhart:
Squall Piloting Ship:
Squall With Gun-Blade:
The Chase Is On:
Trisecting Mountain Path:
Two Reptile Monsters:
FF8 Squaresoft Transcript Part 1:
FF8 Squaresoft Transcript Part 2:

Character Bios

Final Fantasy VIII Characters

Currently, there are only two known characters from Final Fantasy 8. It is expected that 3 other characters, a female and two males, will be released at a later date. Come back often for any updates.

Squall Leonhart

He is described as an expressionless, distant 17-year old boy. Apparently, these character traits transcend into him have a carelessness for himself and others. There have already been parallels drawn between Squall and the Final Fantasy VII character Cloud Stryfe. Squall's weapon of choice is a gun-blade, which is a strange mix between a sword and a gun.

Laguna Loire

He is described as a friendly and outgoing 27-year old, who has earned the respect of many people. Although initially a soldier, Laguna changed professions and became a journalist. Laguna has a generous but righteous streak, and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Confirmation at the Squaresoft conference of Laguna's gender ended much debate about it which arose from the name Laguna.


Nothing is known about this character except that he is male.


Nothing is known about this character except that she is female.

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