ASSISTANCE my parents told me that there was a God up in the sky that I had to worship to receive salvation when I died but when their superstitious traditions were challenged my sacrilegious soul was sentenced to an eternal damnation I don't need your assistance I can think for myself I don't need your assistance I never asked for your help I don't need your assistance keep your opinions to yourself I don't need your assistance I can think for myself my gender told me in order for me to be a man that I had to try to fuck as many women as I can never treating them as equals but objects to be desired not as human beings but property to be aquired I never bought that bullshit, I never believed those lies and I'll never let your mores mis-direct me in my life I reject the senseless dogma that I have been shown I don't need your assistance, I can think on my own CONVENIENCE as people age in our society gradually we rob them of their dignity by kidnapping them from their homes and locking them in hospitals with expensive pills and cold white floors so that they won't burden us anymore a generation disposed by one plagued with indifference reduced to human guinea pigs once we outlive our usefullness while family and friends do their best to forget the elderly they love once they become inconvenient pharmaceutical corporations both cut-throat and ruthless produce new medications expensive and useless deteriorating lives are all they have to offer profit margins rising while they let the dying suffer HANGING OUT I don't want to hang with you because I got better things to do than smoking dope, sniffing glue and acting all depressed I always see you hanging out I guess you still haven't figured out because you tell me I'm missing out missing out on what? going nowhere slow and getting older fast how long before your future's part of your fading past? I look at you and wonder where you'll be in ten years so have your fun because I'll be gone and you'll still be sitting here you never have anywhere to be you just sit around and watch t.v. day after day, too stoned to see that you life's a fucking mess dirty hair and blood-shot eyes always burnt-out all the time you dog me with that stoners smile but at least I have somewhere to go TOUGH GUY fuck your scene I want no part in it and I'm not intimidated by your macho bullshit you and your trendy friends are pathetic little sheep too eager to defend the gang mentality you glare at me with contempt safe within your social clique a lame tough guy act to impress your friends politics? you won't take a stand unless someone disses your band or your hard-line straight-edge stance adidas shoes and sick-of-it-all tattoos you're matching to a "t" in your baggy pants and painted hands proud of your blind conformity homophobes with microphones are chanting unity but your ignorance and violence have no place in our community hardcore's not about kicking ass in the pit or rocking out do you even understand what this movement's about no! PLASTIC PEOPLE the entertainment industry puts plastic people on t.v. when real one's sleep on the same streets that we buy people magazine living out our fantasies of premiere parties and limousines while they create and sedate a pacified society the masses, dazzled by the lights dumb fucks, star struck by media hype this hero worship is mindless bullshit keep your products, I don't want them movie stars in fast sports cars expensive drugs and barbie dolls it's just another night out on the town for pop-cultures sacred cows their lifestyles are adored but I'm disgusted and appalled we care more about celebrities than starving human beings RECONSTRUCT Will you fight For the things that you believe in Is it easier Just to see what you want to see When we lie To ourselves we reconstruct reality But what's the purpose If our lives become fantasy Opening your eyes Isn't always easy Without the strength To face the truth All the people So afraid to see beyond The comfort and security Reassurance of deception Are the beliefs that we cling to The same truths that we perceive? When we choose to shut our eyes We affirm lies that we believe Don't let the fear Pull you down Synthesized beliefs won't save you here Don't let the fear Pull you down If you know whats right in your heart The truth will be clear
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