Anti-Flag: un-official site
The Asthmatics: MA horny punk rock
Brainstaple: cool area punk band from Kinderhook
Devoid of Faith: awesome Albany HC band
The Disenchanted: our local friends: Albany punk
Down Foundation: awesome Albany hardcore band
Ill Fated Youth: Albany punk
Maul Security: Albany/hardcore/punk band
Mr. Ward: Plattsburgh punk band
Kafka: hardcore old/new school band from Italy
Negative Threat: hc band
One Last Sin: heavy style band from NY
Sapientia (ex Forevermore) : awesome Canadian hardcore band
The Senate: hc/punk band from AR with quality lyrics
Sludge: south Jersey brutal, hardcore band
Surrendered: local hardcore/metal band w/ Alisa from Think Again
Think Again: unofficial website
Until the End: my friend, Dave's band: Albany in-the-closet hardcore
Vitality: original heavy metal music from Philly, PA


Buddhakat Records: our new independent label's page
D.I.Y. Records
Fastmusic: cool label/distributor
Goodlife Recordings
Kitty Litter Distro : hc and punk distro from Lancaster, PA that also does mailorder and trading
Microcosm Records
New Found Hope Records
New School Records
Next Sentence Recordings: hardcore label out of Belgium
Surrounded Records: straight-edge hardcore label based in Roma, Italy
Two-Face Mailorder: label/distributor. check 'em out!
United Records
Vertigo Records


False Identity : hc/punk zine, Italy
Spoiled Whine Zine


Albany punx page: cool page about the local scene by our friend, Chris
Albany D.I.Y. hardcore
Bands of NY State
C.R.U.M.B.S.: Capital Region Unofficial Musicians & Bands Site
Edwin & Ă–mer's Linkpage: Links to hardcore, punk, sXe pages, & bands, labels, & distro pages
Jeff's Punk Page
Lindsay's Punk Page
Hungarian Punk Page: page about the Hungarian punk scene
Punk Contacts: Contact addresses for US/Canadian punk scenes, kinda like an on-line BYOFL
Punk Music: ultimate punk music search engine
Rouen HC : French HC page
Turmoil Radio: Stonybrook, NY radio station; plays us and more punk/hardcore
World Wide Punk: great page for punks/DIYers

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