Commander Amanda Costello, newly promoted first officer of the Starship USS Missouri entered her quarters after her duty shift. There was a lot more to being the Executive Officer on a Federation starship than she realized. Personnel reviews, duty rosters, to name a couple of things. She pulled the out the burette that held her hair back and shook it out as if to shake out the stress of the day. Ten minutes later she stepped out of the shower and put a robe on. She sat down on the edge of her bed. As she brushed her hair she noticed the message indicator was blinking on her terminal. A message from someone, probably telling me they're sick and won't make their duty shift tomorrow. She thought as she approached the terminal. Amanda sat down in front of the terminal and smiled when she saw the message was not from anyone on board the Missouri, but from the USS Apache. She opened the message to see Captain Thomas Kern's face on the screen.

Tom sat at his desk and thought before he recorded this message for Amanda. It had been six weeks since he left the Missouri. He leaned back with a cup of coffee and started to talk. "Hi Amanda. How have you been? It's been a pretty hectic few of weeks since I left. How do you like being XO? Pretty crazy isn't it? All the personnel issues. They used to drive me crazy. You'll do great though I'm sure of it. I miss you. I've thought a lot about us, I know there really isn't an us, but…I really enjoyed the time we spent together the last few days I was there." Kern stammered out. "You would not believe the mess this ship is in." He quickly changed the subject. "When I came aboard…"

Captain Kern's shuttle maneuvered through the space dock at the Alpha Centauri shipyard. Next to him, piloting the shuttle was a woman in her late 20's, red hair, and a complexion like fine porcelain. She was piloting the shuttle handily through the collection of vessels that currently populated the space dock. "Captain Kern, have you ever been aboard a Tomahawk class vessel before?"

Kern looked at her. "No. I've seen the design plans, I'll let you in on a little secret." He said smiling. "I've only been a captain for three days; before that I was the first officer of the Missouri."

She turned. "I know, Sir. My name is Commander Kimberly Evans. I'm your new Operations officer. I think you'll be happy with the Apache. She's the third ship of the class. The others are the Tomahawk and the Mohawk. There are four more in production; they are slated to be called the Cherokee, the Pueblo, the Blackfoot, and the Seminole. They all will be in service within the next few months." The commander said proudly.

Kern thought to himself. She really knows what she's talking about. She's way ahead of me. Kern asked her. "Did you work on the development of the Tomahawk?"

She looked at Kern. "How did you know that, Sir?"

He smiled and said. "Just a lucky guess."

She smiled in return, and then her eyes grew wide as the shuttle rose over the notched bow of a starship. The lettering on the hull spelled out their destination. U S S A P A C H E. "We're here, Captain." She said with pride as she guided the ship into the empty shuttle bay. Evans landed the shuttle with little more than a whisper.

Kern swiveled in his chair and stood next to Evans. He shook her hand and said with a smile. "Thank you for a nice ride."

"You're welcome, Sir." She cocked her head to one side and thought. This captain is going to take some getting used to.

Commander Spencer Reese stood in Admiral Wright's office. The tall slender man was not happy as he told the Admiral that in no uncertain terms. "Admiral, with all due respect. The Apache should be my ship. I've put the last two years of my life into this project. I don't want an answer why I was passed over for command, Sir. I demand it."

Wright raised an eyebrow. He watched Reese's tirade with ambivalence and when Wright had decided he'd heard enough the Admiral quieted him with a look. "Commander, I let you have your fit because I agree with you. I had you slated for that chair. Admiral Highlander and Admiral Varvaresos overrode me, apparently Mr. Kern has some friends in very high places. It's becoming clear that MacDermott and Kern can get away with just about anything. It's out of my hands Commander." The Admiral explained, letting his contempt for the former command team of the Missouri show.

Reese didn't like what he was hearing. "But…" He started.

"Don't worry, Kern will screw up. If he doesn't get everyone killed, I'll be there to pounce on him when he does. You keep your eyes and ears open, and let me know quietly when he chokes."

The Commander and the Admiral shook hands and smiled. Reese thought as he left the admiral's office. I've just sold my soul to the devil. He didn't care as long as he got a command out of it.

The transfer of command ceremony was held in the shuttle bay. Most of the crew was there. There were some that had not reported for duty yet.

Kern said. "Computer, this is Captain Kern."

The computer beeped. "Voice print identity recognized, Captain Thomas Kern. Awaiting instruction."

Kern continued. "Place the USS Apache on active duty this date." The computer beeped again. "U.S.S. Apache, registry NCC-74235 active this stardate."

The boatswain's whistle rang throughout the shuttle bay as Kern shook the Admirals' hands.

As Kern conversed with a number of the crew he noticed Lt. Commander Evans talking to a Bajoran in a starfleet uniform. The young Bajoran, Lt. Commander Ren Toran held the tactical position and was also chief of Security.

Evans was about to respond to something Toran said when Kern approached. "Commander Evans?"

Toran and Evans turned at the sound of Kern's voice. Toran gave his new captain a quick look sizing him up. Doesn't look like a hero to me.

Evans responded. "Yes Sir?"

"Where is Commander Reese. I would have liked to met my first officer, in a setting a little less formal than the bridge." Kern said. Tom noticed Toran. "You're Lt. Commander Ren Toran?" Kern asked knowing the answer and extending his hand.

"Yes Sir." Toran said. He was thinking. Reese isn't here, because he's trying to get your chair. "A pleasure Sir." The Bajoran lied, shaking Kern's hand.

"Mine too Commander. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to turn in early. See you on the bridge." Kern said excusing himself from them.

Toran laughed to himself. Reese is just going to love this guy.

Evans took off after Kern as Ren watched. "CAPTAIN!"

Kern stopped. "Yes, Commander?"

"Sir, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment privately." She asked.

"By all means, Commander." He gestured for her to fall in next to him. They were in an empty passageway when Evans began speaking. "Sir. Um. I don't know how to begin...

Kern stopped and looked at her. Whatever she wanted to say wasn't easy for. "Go on Kim." He hoped she wouldn't take the use of her first name the wrong way.

"Sir, I don't normally go behind the backs of other officers but I think this could effect the operation of the Apache. Sir." She began.

Kern was concerned now. "If concerns the ship, I have to know."

Kim took a deep breath. "There are some of the bridge crew who aren't thrilled," That was an understatement, "with you being named Captain. They got bumped when you were made Captain. Mr. Reese, the first officer was expecting to be named Captain and Toran was expecting to be his first officer." She said before adding. "It's nothing personal, Sir." She breathed again now that she had said it.

It dawned on Kern like a light bulb. That's why Ren regarded me so coolly. "Don't feel bad. You did the right thing. Thank you. Is there anything else?" Kern thought to himself. Great, just great. Not even here a day and already the crew is ready to mutiny

"No Sir." She replied.

"Well then, I'll see you in the morning. Good night Commander." Kern told her as he stopped in front of his door.

"Sleep well, Sir." Evans said as she moved down the corridor.

Kern stepped off the turbolift the next morning. This was only the second time on the bridge. His bridge. He had just taken a look around last night before turning in. Where last night the bridge had been dark and quiet; it was now a hive of activity. As he looked around the bridge he noticed that the Apache was equipped with a holographic communications array as well as a holographic tactical display. It was always better to view a battle or any engagement in 3 dimensions instead of just 2. He also saw the Helm and Ops stations were separated but in front of the command station. Evans was sitting at the helm station. She would be performing both duties for the time being. Due to the war there was a shortage of qualified pilots. Commander Ren was at the tactical console reconfiguring the sensor arrays. Kern's eyes moved to the center of the bridge. In the command chair, his command chair, "Commander Reese." Kern said announcing his presence. He thought. So he was expecting to get command. Reese's record said he had worked on the Tomahawk project, more specifically the Apache for two years. Kern moved toward the command chair as Reese turned.

"Captain, It's a pleasure. I apologize for not being on board for your arrival, but my duties necessitated my being offship yesterday." Reese said, his voice dripping with insincerity. Reese vacated the captain's chair slowly.

"Uh huh." Kern said in a way that Reese knew the captain could tell bullshit when he heard it. "Let's get underway shall we?" Kern didn't wait for an answer as Reese took his seat next to the Captain.

"Helm contact Cochran Control and request clearance."

"Aye Sir. Cochran Control this is Apache. Requesting departure clearance." Evans said with authority.

"Apache this is Cochran Control, departure clearance granted; your vector is 183 mark 39." The voice said.

"Thank you Cochran, Apache out." Evans said.

Kern smiled at her efficiency. "Release umbilical and disconnect from station power. Maneuvering thrusters."

"Umbilical stowed and we are on internal power, Sir. Engaging thrusters." A puff of exhaust gases propelled the starship backwards. Another puff from the starboard thruster and the Apache began to rotate to port. Evans touched the thruster control again to stop the rotation. "Space door opening ahead, Sir." She said as the view screen confirmed her report.

"Very nice Commander. Take us out." Kern adjusted himself in his chair.

"Aye Sir." The RCS thruster flared again and the Apache began to move toward the space doors.

A moment later the Apache cleared the space doors that kept the construction crew save from the hostile environment of space. The light from Alpha Centauri-A gleamed against her sleek hull. "Helm come to course 231 mark 9 full impulse."

"Begging the Captain's pardon, Full impulse?" Evans said.

Kern smiled. "You have to learn to walk before you run, Commander." He glanced at her then back to the screen. "Full impulse."

"Aye Sir."

"Mr. Reese, I'd like to see you and Lt. Commander Toran in my ready room." Toran looked up at the sound of his name. Kern said emphasizing the word 'my'.

The doors closed behind Toran. Kern turned and said. "Gentlemen have a seat." It was not a request. "It's been brought to my attention that the two of you are not happy with the power structure on the Apache." The volume of Tom's voice raised a little as the two men looked at him with expressions that said what? Us? Kern didn't give them a chance. "I don't care how you feel about me or your position on this ship. This ship is a disaster area. We will be ship shape and ready for orders in four days. Don't think about putting in for a transfer. It will not be approved. After we're at 100%, I might think about it. Am I understood?"

Toran looked at the captain. Reese had said nothing good about him; but Toran reappraised him. The skipper has teeth. He thought.

Reese thought to himself. I'm already under his skin, Good.

"Dismissed." Kern said.

Toran passed through the doors, just as Reese got there Kern stopped him. "Mr. Reese, just one more thing." Again, it was not a request.

"Sir?" Reese said nervously.

Kern approached him and quietly said. "We don't have to like each other, to work well together. You are the second most important person on this ship, in some aspects the most important, if you don't or can't appreciate that position, I'll find someone who will and in the process, I'll snap you back so fast, you'll think you're a first year cadet, do you understand me?"

"Yes." Reese said trying to hide his anger.

Kern knew Reese was forcing this power struggle. Kern pushed back. "YES WHAT?"

"Yes Sir." Reese said not looking Kern in the eye.

Four days later they were ready. Kern smiled with pride as the notched bow of the Tomahawk class cruiser passed through the space door that separated the interior of the space dock from the immensity of space. "Helm once we're clear of the space doors set course 123 mark 68, maximum warp. Let's see what she'll do." He ordered.

"Aye Captain." Evans answered. Her fingers played across the panel as she plotted the course and speed. "Course plotted and laid in, Sir."

"Engage." Kern commanded.

Evans pressed the control and the ship began to move. As she crossed from normal space to warp space something happened. The whole ship sputtered and shook, suddenly they were moving through normal space again.

Kern looked around. "Report." He said excitedly.

"Captain, just as we were passing into warp space the warp bubble collapsed." Evans reported.

"Engineering this is the bridge, what happened down there?" Kern asked.

On the engineering deck, the crew ran from place to place, checking and rechecking circuits and conduits. In the center of it all was a woman whose most striking feature was her eyes. They were a dark brown. She turned and reported, "Captain, this is Commander Hamilton. We're not sure yet. It's got something to do with the antimatter manifold. As the pressure went up, the flow was restricted. When we reached supraliminal velocities there wasn't enough antimatter going through to keep the warp field intact."

Kern blinked as he absorbed the technobabble from chief engineer. "Thank you. Keep me apprised."

"Aye Captain." She said.

"Mr. Reese, has the Apache been at warp speed before?" Kern asked. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Reese took it the wrong way. "Yes Sir." He replied with the emphasis on 'Sir'.

"I didn't mean that in a negative way, Commander. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this." Kern retorted.

"Sir." Reese said proudly. "After our space trials the engineers made a change to the antimatter containment system. They'd assured us that the system would work. We hadn't been out of spacedock since. The simulations showed us green to warp 9.9995."

Kern looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I think your simulations were wrong." He stood up and just looked at him for a moment. "I'm going to engineering. You have the bridge."

"Bastard." Reese said under his breath as the doors to the lift closed on Kern.

Evans spun around in her chair to face the first officer. "You know Spenc, you might want to give him a chance. I've got a friend on the Missouri. He's a good officer, so he says." She thought of Jared Kelley. They'd gone to the Academy together, went through basic flight training together. While Evans was very good, she'd watched Kelley become one of the best pilots ever to graduate the academy.

The doors to engineering opened. Kern's senses were assaulted by the amount of activity going on. People were climbing in and around the darkened warp core trying to ascertain the cause of the problem. At the center of all this activity was Annabelle Hamilton, her shoulder length light brown hair hung loosely at her shoulders, she turned to see the new Captain enter her engineering deck.

"What's the story, Commander?" Kern asked.

"We're not sure yet, Captain. It's got something to do with." She started.

"COMMANDER!" Engineer's mate Parmen called from deep inside a Jeffries tube. "I found the problem."

"Well Sir. Maybe we do have an answer for you." She smiled and started to move toward the emerging feet of Ensign Parmen with Kern following along.

The Vendorian engineer emerged with a piece of hardware from the Jefferies tube. "Commander this plasma manifold plenum was installed wrong. I mean it was installed right; the drawings were wrong. I mean." The young man was flustered.

"Calm down Parmen. Let me see the drawings." She said taking the padd from his hand and tracing the plasma route with her slender finger. After a moment. "I'll be... He's right."

"Ok explain it to me now. In terms a non-engineer could understand." Kern smiled trying to put everyone at ease. "Some brilliant designer when he created these drawings drew this part in backwards. From the outside it's asymmetrical so you couldn't tell. On the inside is one way valve that closes at warp speed. So as soon as we went to warp it closed cutting off plasma." Is that simple enough for you Sir?" Hamilton asked with a smile.

That earned a chuckle from Kern. "Quite. So all we have to do is reinstall them in the proper orientation and we're good to go?" He asked hopefully.

"That and a systems check. After such a shutdown, I like to run a complete diagnostic on the whole system." She stated.

"Sounds good. Carry on." He turned and walked away. "Oh," He turned again and approached the two engineers. "As time permits after we're underway have the whole system gone over to make sure there are no more surprises and have Chief Parmen oversee that task." Kern ordered with a nod to the young man.

"Sir. Parmen is just an engineer's mate. He has to pass the writen exam before..." Hamilton corrected him.

"Commander," Kern cut her off. "he just saved us a lot of work and an embarrassing impulse trip back to Cochran station. He just earned himself a battlefield commission. Understood? Do you have a problem with that Parmen?" Kern explained.

"NO SIR! Thank you, Sir." He exclaimed.

Hamilton thought. A compassionate captain, better than that prick Reese. "Perfectly, Sir."

"Good. Parmen, how did you find the problem quickly, anyway?" He asked sincerely interested.

"Well Sir, I'm from the farming colony on Vendor II. We had the problem a few years ago with our plasma converters on the planters, Sir." As soon as I saw the drawings I knew just where to look." The young man beamed as he told his story.

"You're telling me that our warp drive is the same as a planter? No no. Don't tell me. I don't think I want to know that answer." Kern laughed as he walked away.

Hamilton and Parmen looked at each other then went on to repair the warp drive.

Two hours later, Kern sat in his ready room. Looking around he decided. I need something to liven this place up a little. "Captain, This is Reese." The first officer announced arrogantly.

God he grates me. "Go ahead." He sighed.

"Engineering reports warp drive is online and operational."

He got up and walked toward the door. He wouldn't give Reese the pleasure of ordering the Apache to warp for the first time. It was petty he knew. Kern didn't care though.

"Helm," Kern said as he stepped down to the command level. "Come to course. 34 mark 9, Warp 1." He put his hand on Evans shoulder. "Engage."

"34 mark 9. Laid in. Warp speed now." The Apache jumped into warp space and stayed there this time. The chervok radiation turned the stars into rainbow trails of light.

"That's better." Kern said taking the center seat. He leaned forward. "Punch it up to warp 8." He said with a smile.

"Aye Sir. Warp 8 it is." The Apache transitioned to the higher space smoothly. "Warp 8 and we're green across the board, Captain."

"Very nice, Commander. Carry on. I'll be in my ready room. Mr. Reese you have the bridge."

"Yes Sir." Reese said with as much enthusiasm as a Denevian Slime Devil.

Captain's Personal Log: Stardate - 51223.5 Later today the Apache gets orders for her first mission. The last two weeks have been rather uneventful. Since solving the problem with the warp drive, the crew seems closer and we've begun to work as a team. Even Reese, who I know still resents my very being has been hospitable. I will be anxious to see...

Kern never finished because Ren called from the bridge. "Captain there is a message for you from Starfleet Command."

"Thank you, Commander, route it in here." Kern ordered.

On the screen appeared the face of Admiral Varvaresos, mid 40's, black hair, and dark European features. "Captain Kern, how are things?" The admiral asked cordially. "Settling in well?"

Kern wanted to ask him why he got put on a ship full of people who hate him but thought better of it. "Fine Admiral. Now that we've got the warp drive problem straightened out and some of the little problems. We've run some weapons tests on the phaser cannons and torpedo launchers. We're ready, Admiral." Kern said proudly.

Varvaresos sat back in his high-backed chair. Behind him was the symbol of Starfleet command. "I'm glad to hear it, Captain. I have a mission for the Apache."

Kern sat up a little straighter. This is what he'd been waiting for. His first mission as a Starfleet Captain. "Yes Sir."

"You are to rendezvous with the civilian shuttle, Solar Quest at the following coordinates."

"A civilian shuttle, Sir?" Kern asked with a raised eyebrow that hid his disappointment.

"Yes. They have some information on some Dominion activity that I would rather not discuss over subspace." The Admiral said. "They expect you at the rendezvous point in 22 hours. Varvaresos out." Admiral Varvaresos said as the screen blanked out.

Son of a bitch. Kern thought to himself as he walked out of his ready room and onto the bridge. He approached the command level and ordered. "Helm, come to course. 93 mark 334, warp 9." He sat down and gripped the arms of the captain's chair nervously. "Engage."

"Course plotted and laid in, Captain." Evans reported.

Reese looked over and saw the captain's concerned look and asked. "What are our orders, Captain?"

"We're going to meet a civilian shuttle. They have some information we're to investigate and act upon." Kern said staring at the stars.

Kern was in his quarters when the bridge called. His eyes snapped open at the sound of Evans' voice. "Captain, we're approaching the rendezvous point. ETA 30 minutes."

The Captain of the Apache rolled over and picked his combadge up off the table next to the bed. "Thank you, Commander. Kern out." Kern groaned as he rolled out of bed.

Fifteen minutes later Kern stepped off the turbolift and onto the bridge. It was the night shift on the Apache. Evans was the officer of the deck along with officers he really didn't know. "Captain on deck." Announced Lt. Ortiz at the engineering console when he saw Kern.

Evans was on her feet and said. "Sir, we are twelve minutes from the coordinates specified."

"Sensors are picking up a small ship. Two human lifesigns on board." Ortiz reported.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Kern said trying to remember the Lt.'s. name.

Evans spoke up. "Sir, we're being hailed."

Kern sat down and rubbed the last of the sleep from his face. "On screen."

"Aye Sir." Evans responded as her fingers caused the image on the viewscreen to change.

Suddenly it showed a man in his seventies with a head of white hair and a fire in his eyes. Next to him, a woman, mid thirties, long brown hair down to her waist, and eyes that held the same sort of fire as the old man.

Kern sat up straight and said proudly. "I am Captain Thomas Kern of the Starship Apache."

The old man responded immediately though Kern found his eyes drawn to the woman. "I am Colin Bromwell and this is my assistant, Nancy. We are formerly of the Rigillian Astronomical Society. We have found something that you should be very concerned about." The old man said.

"I am very interested in what you have to say, Dr. Bromwell." Kern said. "With you permission we will tractor your ship into the shuttle bay and meet with you on the Apache."

Bromwell nodded. "That would be excellent. Solar Quest out." The screen blinked back to the stars.

"All right Commander. Let's bring them aboard and then meet our guests." Kern turned to Ortiz. "Lieutenant, bring that ship into the main shuttlebay. Evans you're with me." Kern got up and allowed Evans to pass in front of him. As they walked to the lift.

Kern and Evans stepped into the shuttlebay as the small ship passed through the annular containment field that kept the atmosphere in but allowed solids like ships and containers to pass through unhindered. The deck officer brought the shuttle in using the bay tractor systems. The shuttle sat down silently. It engines hissed as the pressure was purged from his nacelles. Next the hatch hissed as the air pressure was equalized. The first one out of the shuttle was the assistant, Nancy. She helped the older man down. Where the older man had seemed vibrant on the view screen in person he seemed much more frail. In contrast, Nancy seemed more vital and alive than she had before.

Kern couldn't help but watch her as she moved across the deck toward him. It was as if she floated more than walked. "Captain, This is Dr. Bromwell."

Kern gently shook the man's hand and then said. "And you are?"

"Nancy Bromwell." She said curtly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. This is Commander Evans, my Operations officer." He gestured toward the door. "Now if you'll follow the Commander, she'll show you to your quarters."

"No no." The old man began. "We have to talk Captain. The security of the Federation is at stake."

That got Kern's undivided attention. "What are you talking about, Doctor?"

"This." He thrust a padd a Kern. "This, this here."

Kern looked at the padd and tried to make sense out of the blurry image on the small screen. "Sir, I don't understand." Kern said calmly. "This is just..."

"Captain." The woman said. "I must apologize for my father's outburst. He suffers from Irumodic Syndrome. I think we may have brought you here on the whim of a sick man." She said softly.

"I AM NOT SICK." The old man yelled.

"Miss Bromwell, We'll check this out and if it turns out to be nothing then, well the Apache was in need of a shakedown cruise anyway. If it does turn out to be genuine, well we're that much ahead of the game then." Kern spoke trying to appease the old man.

Nancy picked up his intentions. "Thank you, Captain." She said with a smile that brightened the whole deck.

"It's there I saw it dammit." Bromwell said adamantly.

Kern helped the old man into the lift. "Of course, Sir. I need to get my senior staff together. One hour in the briefing room." Kern suggested.

"That would be find, Captain." Nancy said smiling again.

He turned to Evans. "Commander, get them settled in, then wake the troops.

"Aye, Sir." Evans said as Kern separated himself from his guests and entered the turbolift.


In his ready room Kern uploaded the contents of the Padd into the computer. "Upload complete." The computer told him when it was finished.

Kern swiveled the monitor to him. "Computer load file Bromwell-Alpha-1."

"Working." The screen showed the same image that Kern had seen on the Padd.

The captain of the Apache studied the image. He could make out a planet, but not which one. From space almost every planet looks the same. There was a gray mass on the northern continent of the planet. Kern squinted at the mass trying to identify it. "Computer, magnify coordinates A-7 to C-3 and enhance." The screen zoomed in on that section of the image and became a little clearer. The shape was familiar, but he still couldn't make it out. "Computer, Level 5 enhancement on the same coordinates." Kern ordered as he watched the screen. The picture came into focus as if someone had wiped the fog off a window. Kern recognized the shape instantly. A Galaxy class starship. It wasn't on the surface of the planet, it was in orbit. Its nacelles glowed with power. Tom couldn't make out the name or registry number on the saucer. "Computer, magnify coordinates F-3."

The section of the image popped into view. 'U. S. S. BELFAST NCC-56033' Kern studied the image for a moment. "Computer, what is the present location of the USS Belfast?"

"The USS Belfast was lost, presumed destroyed with all hands in a skirmish with Dominion forces at Coralla III, on stardate 51034.3" The emotionless machine reported.

"Computer, analyze star location in the image. Based on that, is the planet in the image Coralla III"? Kern asked.

The computer was silent for a moment. "Negative."

"What planet is in the image?" Kern asked.

The computer was silent again. "There is a 93% probability that the planet in the image is Lorvestra 9." Lorvestra 9 is near the front. Kern thought to himself before he tapped his combadge. "Senior staff to the conference room, immediately. Commander Evans, would you bring our guests to the conference room please."

Evans acknowledged the message as Kern downloaded the information to a PADD. This should be interesting. Tom thought to himself as he crossed his ready room toward the bridge.

Five minutes later Kern sat down at the head of the table in the conference room. To his left were Evans, then Ren Toran. Next to the Bajoran sat Nancy Bromwell and her father. On the other side of the table sat Dr. Ral and to the captain's right sat Spencer Reese, the first officer. "Let's get this meeting going." Kern said bringing everyone's attention to him. He gestured to the Bromwells. "For those of you who don't know. This is Dr. Bromwell and his daughter Nancy. Dr. Bromwell is a fellow with the Rigillian Astronomical Society. It's his discovery that brings us together this morning. Commander." He said with a nod to Evans.

Everyone focused on the image on the viewscreen behind Kern. "This is planet Lorvestra 9. It is currently behind enemy lines."

"So." Reese said bluntly.

"Enhance grid reference Baker-27/Delta-30" Tom ordered.

The picture zoomed in the Galaxy class starship in orbit. Everyone except Kern and Bromwells showed their surprise. "Is she lost?" The CMO asked.

"Starfleet shows her as lost with all hands and presumed destroyed. I don't know what happened to the crew but she's obviously not destroyed." Kern said. "But we're going to find out. Questions?" There were none. "Good, dismissed."

The group left the briefing room. All of them were gone except for Reese. "Captain, I don't think we should be taking on this mission. I don't think the Apache is ready."

"Mr. Reese, we've been given a mission by Starfleet command, I will note your objection in my log." Kern told him as he gathered his work.

Reese stood there, thinking. "Captain, permission to speak freely?"

"Go ahead."

He cleared his throat. "I think your taking an unnecessary risk with the ship and crew, just to make a name for yourself."

Kern looked up at him slowly. "Is that so? Mr. Reese, thank you for your opinion." Tom stopped himself from losing his temper. "As my first officer I appreciate your candor," Kern's eyes narrowed. "If you ever, accuse me of taking putting my personal glory above the safety of my crew or my ship, you'll wish you'd never joined Starfleet. There are possibly one thousand prisoners on Lorvestra 9. Would you like to leave them there?"

"No Sir, of course not, but..."

"No buts, Commander. We don't have the luxury of time. We have to find out what the Dominion is doing with that starship and her crew. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir." Reese knuckled under.

Kern returned to picking the various Padds on the table in front of him. He heard the doors open. "Oh Mr. Reese, I'm sure Admiral Wright would agree with me." He said without looking at the first officer. Kern let him know that he had friends in high places too.

Reese did a good job of not falling down at what the Captain had said. "Yes Sir," was all he could manage to say.

Captain's Log: Stardate ~ 51225.7. It's been nearly two days since the Bromwells came on board the Apache. In a few minutes we'll be approaching the Lorvestra system. Just outside the system is the Lorvestra nebula. It ionized gases and radiation should shield the Apache from any sensors that may be active in the system. Once inside the nebula, an away team consisting of Commander Toran, Commander Evans, and myself will take a runabout to Lorvestra 9 to ascertain the whereabouts of the Belfast's crew. We will attempt to rescue the crew if found, disable or destroy the Belfast. End recording.

Kern stepped onto the bridge. "Captain on the bridge." Evans said from her seat for all to hear.

"Status?" Kern asked as he sat down.

As her fingers danced over the board she said. "We are now entering the Lorvestra nebula. We detected some short wave length scans. We were not detected though."

"Good." Kern said with relief. "All stop. Mr. Reese, you have the bridge. Evans and Toran, you're with me." Kern noticed that Reese didn't even bring up the point about the Captain is too valuable to be going on away missions. Tom dismissed the thought as he watched Reese take his chair from the turbolift with Evan and Toran. "Shuttlebay."

Reese asked from the center seat. "Can we get sensor information in here?"

"Negative, Sir. We can't communicate with the runabout either. We can receive but transmission out of the nebula will be marginal at best. The signal is just scattered too much." Lt. Ortiz reported.

Reese didn't answer. He just sat back and rubbed his hands nervously.

The runabout Sacagawea slowly exited the nebula. Her scanners making passive scans of the system ahead. The only vessel it picked up was the Belfast. Kern ordered the small ship to warp 1. Evans brought the ship around behind the Lorvestra 9.

"Are you picking up any human lifesigns from the planet?" Kern asked Toran.

"No. We're going to have to get closer to the surface. There is too much polarizing interference from the atmosphere." He looked at Kern almost apologetically.

"Take us in." Kern said to Evans.

"Aye Sir." She replied. The nose of the runabout already dipped toward the planet surface.

Kern strode over to the weapons locker and retrieved two phaser rifles. "Ren." He said. Toran turned to see the rifle being tossed in his direction. Toran caught it and immediately checked the charge and made sure the safety was on.

"Picking up lifesigns now." The Bajoran said turning back to his scanner. "Mostly Jem'Hadar and a few Cardassian." He spat the last words.

"No human or any Federation lifesigns?" Kern asked, part of him already knew the answer.

"No, not that I can pick up."

Kern made eye contact with Toran. There was something in the look in Toran's eyes that sent a chill down Kern's spine. Kern shook it off and sat down in the co-pilot's seat. He watched as Evans wove the runabout through the lush mountains.

Evan set the Sacagawea down on a small plateau. The three of them stood outside the shuttle. Kern said to Evans. "Stay here with the runabout. We're going down to check out the area. Hopefully we can find out what's going on."

"Sir." She protested. "I'm perfectly able to hold my own in hand to hand combat should it come to that." She said proudly.

"Kim, I'm sure you are." He assured her. "You are, surely the best pilot of the three of us. I want the engines on standby. If you're discovered or the shooting starts; I want you off this rock and report back to Reese. Give Reese these orders." He handed her a padd. "It says to come in here and blast the Belfast out of orbit and that Toran and I are expendable. Understood!" It wasn't a question.

"Yes, Sir…but?" She began as she looked at Toran.

Kern was firm. "No buts, Commander." Kern adjusted the pack on his back and said to Toran. "Let's go."

Toran looked at Evans and gave her a look that said. "Don't worry." Then they disappeared into the jungle.

Evans looked around and realized she'd never felt more alone. She hurriedly tapped the sequence to open the hatch on the runabout. Once inside she brought up the preflight checklist and tried to keep herself busy. She couldn't help but wonder what Ren was doing.

Toran and Kern made their way through the brush slowly. Toran cut a path with a razor sharp machete'. Kern turned and walked backward every few minutes to make sure they weren't being followed. As they approached a clearing Toran crouched down and waved for Kern to do the same. Lying behind a large leafed plant they peered down into a large compound. There were a number of prefab buildings and what appeared to be a subspace communications relay. The most startling sight though, were the thousands of Jem'Hadar that were exercising and practicing hand to hand combat. Kern took the vidnoculars and focused on a group of Cardassians coming out of one of the buildings. The last two Cardassians were dragging a body behind them. Kern zoomed the vidnoculars in and could see through the bloodstains to the gold starfleet uniform. He handed the vidnoculars to Toran. The Bajoran studied the scene below. Toran turned and sat against the berm they were hiding behind. "Kill'em all." He said quietly.

"What?" Kern whispered.

"Quantum torpedoes from orbit. Annihilate every thing on this rock. The Belfast too. The spoonheads have probably learned too much from her already." Ren said as he checked the charge on his weapon.

Kern looked at him and noticed the contempt and hatred in his eyes. Kern had never noticed it before. He looked for another moment before his attention was brought back to the compound by a scream. The display on the vidnoculars showed the Cardassians dragging a woman out of the one of the buildings. Kern opened his tricorder. "I can get readings from the inside of that building with the doors open. There are over 200 human, Vulcan, Deltan, Vegan, and a number of other races in there."

Toran rolled onto his stomach and flipped the safety off on his rifle. The Bajoran paused as the woman's arms were strung up between to poles. A Cardassian pointed to various parts on the woman's body before blowing a whistle. At the sound of the whistle a group of 4 Jem'Hadar soldiers advanced on the helpless woman. Kern turned away as the first Jem'Hadar struck her with a blade. It was precisely at the point where the Cardassian had pointed. Kern felt the bile rise up in his throat as the woman was hacked to bits.

Toran's finger tightened on the trigger as he watched the grisly scene. The Bajoran's forehead furrowed as he sighted in on the Cardassian trainer. "Die, you bastard." He whispered. Toran memory flashed to his sister, as he squeezed the trigger. Tom realized what Toran was about to do. As much as he wanted to do the same thing he knew he'd just end up getting himself and his chief of security killed.

Kern pushed the rifle up as it fired. The orange beam shot skyward. "What the hell are you doing?" Kern asked incredulously. "You've just brought down that whole camp on our heads. What the hell were you thinking?" Kern admonished him as he stood up. The sounds of Jem'Hadar running up the hill toward them, punctuated his words. Toran was still glaring at him as Kern pushed him down the path back toward the runabout.

Evans was standing outside the ship when Toran and Kern burst through the brush. Kern swept her along as he ran into the safety of the Sacgawea.

Toran stopped at the edge of the clearing. He turned and fired at the path. He wanted to slow them down some. He could hear the injectors coming online. Toran knew they'd only need a few more seconds before they could take off. Slowly he backed toward the hatch as he continued firing at the only trail into the clearing.

In the shuttle, Evans handled the controls as Kern caught his breath in rasps. "Be ready to lift off, Evans. I'm going to get Toran."

"What happened?" She asked glancing at him.

"Later." He said too abruptly.

She turned back to the controls as Kern made his way toward the hatch.

"Toran, come on!" Kern yelled as he reached Toran and pulled him toward the shuttle. The two of them fired once more as fifty Jem'Hadar burst through the brush line. Two of the horned-faced soldiers fell to the ground. Another fired; the poleron burst from his weapon caught Toran in the shoulder. The blast spun him around and threw him to the ground.

Evans saw him fall. "TORAN!" She yelled. Kern punched a button on his rifle and tossed it to the ground. A low whine began as an overload built up in the prefire chamber. Kern picked Toran up and put him over his shoulders. He ran toward the open hatch of the shuttle weaving to avoid the Jem'Hadar weapons.

As the doors closed, "Get us out of here." He ordered he was sweaty and filthy.

"Yes…Sir." She said slowly. The nose of the Sacagawea rose away Lorvestra 9 and over two hundred of their comrades imprisoned there. The runabout shook as it was struck by the handheld weapons fired by the Jem'Hadar. She turned to look at Toran. He lay still on the floor. "Is he?"

"No. Kim, get us into orbit. I'll take care of him." Kern told her softly as he pushed the hypospray against his neck.

Toran winced as Kern helped him to the cot in the after section. Kern pulled the uniform aside to view the wound. The flesh was all bloody and burned. The Bajoran winced even more as the material of his uniform that was melted into his flesh was pulled apart. "Sorry." Kern apologized.

"How bad is it?" Toran asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm no doctor, but it looks pretty bad. I think you'll be off duty for a while." Kern told him as he put a hypospray against his neck. "This will help with the pain."

"Thanks." He said already feeling better. "Captain, you should have let me kill him." Toran said without feeling.

Kern couldn't tell if it was the drugs or if this Bajoran really just hated them that much. "What would killing one Cardassian change? I hate what is going on down there as much as you do. I don't want to think about what they're doing to people down there." That was when Kern made a decision not to let it continue. "Get some rest." He got up and walked toward the cockpit. He pressed a couple of buttons. "Apache, come in. This is the Sacagawea. Apache, come in." Kern sat down.

"Ap..he here." Kern could hear Reese's voice through the static.

Kern could see him sitting in his chair smugly. "Bring the Apache out of the Nebula. Rendezvous with us at 304 mark 17."

"Und…to.d Apa..e ou." Reese replied through the static. Kern sat back and wiped his face on his sleeve.

"He's going to be alright." Kern assured her. "You two are pretty close?" He asked as the atmosphere of Lorvestra 9 faded away.

Embarrassed she replied. "He doesn't have many friends. Neither do I. I guess we were just kind of drawn to one another."

Kern thought of another redhead he knew and how they were just kind of drawn together. But, that seemed so long ago and so far away.

"Captain!" Evans said the fear rising in her throat.

Kern turned to look at the scanner she was looking at. A Jem'Hadar attack ship was coming at them from Lorvestra 9. It must have been in orbit behind the planet. The bug shaped ship was gaining on them. "Maximum warp. Full power to rear deflectors." Kern ordered.

"Full power, Sir." The Jem'Hadar vessel seemed to drop back for a moment before it started gaining again.

"How long till we're within sensor range of the Apache?"

"Ten minutes, Captain." She replied. Then as if she knew his next question, she said. "They'll be on us in eight, Sir." "They'll cut us to pieces in two minutes." Think of something. Come on, think you idiot. You're the captain. These people are going to die if you don't come up with something. He thought to himself.

Reese sat in the command chair nervously watching as the Apache emerged from the nebula. "Helm, set course for the rendezvous. Let me know as soon as we pick the runabout up on sensors."

"Aye Sir."

Captain Nolan Prescott sat in the cramped room with the remaining Belfast survivors. He'd watched most of his crew sacrificed to the Jem'Hadar as training dummies. He wanted to join them in death but the Cardassians knew the value of making a commanding officer watch his crew systematically killed. The Dominion had kept a few of his crew alive to make the repairs to the Belfast. He'd seen the Jem'Hadar gut the inside of his starship to make more room for warriors. He knew they were going to use his ship to invade somewhere. Prescott had seen a number of Jem'Hadar run of up the hill from the compound after hearing what sounded like a shot from a phaser. When their rescuers failed to appear, he'd passed it off as a dream. Prescott was dozing when the Jem'Hadar burst into the room with their Vorta, Jorlen.

"You will all rise and prepare to be transported to the Belfast. Quickly." The Vorta said clapping his hands together to hurry the prisoners along.

Prescott looked at his first officer, the Vulcan, Storn. Unflappable as ever. Even beaten and bloodied the Vulcan's stoic expression remained unchanged. As the Jem'Hadar forced them all to their feet Prescott made eye contact with Storn. They had never been moved like this before. It surprised Prescott. Storn raised an eyebrow slightly to show his surprise as well.

"Mr. Reese," Lt. Ortiz said. "The runabout just came into sensor range. They are being pursued by a Jem'Hadar fighter. The Jem'Hadar are firing. The runabout has been hit. Their shields are holding."

"Acknowledged. Helm, get us into the game." He ordered. "We'll get the Jem'Hadar off their backs and beam them aboard." Reese said.

The helmsman replied. "Yes Sir." The Apache jumped into warp.

"Captain, the Apache is hailing us. They're telling us to hold tight. They'll get the Jem'Hadar off our backs." Evans reported. The Sacagawea shook as it took another hit.

"Shields down to 15%. One more hit and we'll lose them." Kern said ominously. "Ask them to hurry." Kern said with a crooked smile. The runabout shook again.

"That's it. Shields are down."

"Understood Sir." Evans said just before she threw the runabout into a tight turn. The Jem'Hadar over shot.

"Bring us out of warp. Lock pulse phaser cannons on the Jem'Hadar. Fire at will."

The grooved portion of the saucer section lit up as the graviton wrapped shells left the Apache.

The Jem'Hadar had no time to react as the phaser cannons struck their shields.

"Photon torpedoes, FIRE!" Reese commanded.

The orange starbursts struck their weakened shields. The first one overloaded them the next breached their hull behind the bridge. The third penetrated near the engineering deck. The resulting explosion lit the area like a temporary sun. Like a phoenix rising from the flames; the Apache emerged from the debris cloud.

"Good work. Hail the Sacagawea." Reese commanded.

"Captain, antimatter containment is failing." Evans said trying to regain her composure.

"Apache, this is Kern, EMERGENCY BEAM OUT!" He yelled.

On the bridge of the starship, the tactical officer said. "Their warp core is getting ready to breach." He announced as the call from the Captain came in.


Behind the habitable portion of the runabout the magnetic containment vessels that held the antimatter began to breakdown. Once the containment dropped below 15% the core would begin to breech and nothing could stop it. Kern watched the display as the numbers steadily dropped and there was nothing they could do about it. 20…19…18…This is it. My career in command…17. The transporter effect took hold of them.

The three of them materialized on the transporter pad. Evans and Kern looked at each other to make sure it wasn't a dream. The Bolian transporter tech smiled at them.

Kern tapped his combadge. "Medical team to the transporter room." Evans had Toran's head in her lap gently brushing the hair back from his face. Kern started to say something about needing to get to the bridge, but when he saw her taking care of him he couldn't. The med team led by Dr. Ral came in with an antigrav litter. The techs picked him up gently and laid him on the stretcher as Dr. Ral ran the tricorder over him.

"He'll be fine." She said picking up on Evan's apprehension.

Kern put a reassuring hand on Evan's shoulder as Toran was moved out of the room. "Kim, we need to get to the bridge. There's still the Belfast to take care of." He said quietly.

"Yes Sir." She said as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

In the conference room, off the bridge. Kern, Reese, Evans and Ortiz sat around the black table. "We have to destroy the Belfast." Kern said.

Reese objected. "Captain," The words did not have much respect in them. "Sensors have detected human and Vulcan lifesigns on board."

"Those bastards." Kern said under his breath. "They're using the prisoners as human shields."

"They are Starfleet officers. You can't jut kill them in cold blood." Reese said, telling Kern something he already knew.

Kern looked at him. Part of him agreed with Reese. "Do you think I like the idea of killing Starfleet officers? I don't. We can't let the Jem'Hadar have access to a galaxy class starship. Those people were dead the moment they were taken prisoner." He said ending the discussion. "Take your posts. Helm set course for Lorvestra 9. Bring up the weapons." Kern said as everyone left the room except to Reese.

Quietly Reese said. "This is just the kind of thing Wright said you'd do. You are a maverick. I don't like the way you do things, but I wouldn't have the courage to do this." Reese told him. "Thank you by the way. I heard you went after Ren after he was hit. He's my friend. Anyway thanks."

Kern looked at him. "I bet that was hard for you to say."

"More than you'll know. More than you'll ever know." Reese replied with half a smile.

Kern returned the smile. "Come on, Number one. Let's go take care of business."

Kern and Reese entered the bridge and took their seats. "Report." Kern requested.

"Approaching Lorvestra 9. The Belfast is underway at full impulse. No other ships in range." Evans said.

Kern said. "Plot and intercept course. Arm weapons."

"Shields up!" Reese ordered.

The Apache approached the Belfast from the rear. The Galaxy class starship dwarfed the Apache. "The Belfast has her shields up. Sir" Ortiz reported. "They are registering way too much power though." He continued.

"Why?" Kern asked rhetorically.

He snapped his fingers as the answer came to him. "That's why they haven't gone to warp. They're using the warp drive to power the shields."

Reese looked at his console. "There is no way we can punch through their shields."

Prescott looked at the ship on the viewscreen as it closed on the Belfast. It was a welcome sight. He could tell by the size of it though it couldn't hold all of the Belfast survivors. He wished he could get to the autodestruct system. The Jem'Hadar had disabled that and routed all controls through the captain's console. The pompous Vorta, Jorlen, was occupying the center seat.

The Vorta said with great confidence. "They will never penetrate the shields."

Prescott just looked at him with contempt.

"We'll never get through their shields the way they are now." Ortiz said after reading the tactical display.

Reese and Kern looked at each other and said. "The prefix code?!"

"The what?" Evans said.

Reese started pulling up information on the Belfast as Kern explained. "Every vessel has a unique code to prevent an enemy from attempting to do what we're doing now. We're going to use our computer to order the Belfast to lower her shields."

"The prefix code for the Belfast is 1… 4…7…6…0…0…5." Reese told him. "I hope they haven't changed the code. The Vorta aren't fools."

"Mr. Ortiz." Kern said hoping the same thing.

The tactical officer entered the numbers into the console. The computer confirmed their connection to Belfast's computer. "Helm get us ahead of the Belfast and come around to 284 mark 47."

"Aye Sir." Evans replied.

The Apache jumped ahead of the Belfast. Prescott admired the beauty of the Tomahawk design as she passed. One of the Jem'Hadar said. "The Federation ship is turning. They are coming straight toward us."

The Vorta responded confidently. "There is no way for them to penetrate our shields."

Prescott just sat there as he watched the Apache turn. Something in the way she turned, the angle of her hull, the grace of her form, told him the end was near.

"Jorlen," The Jem'Hadar said astounded. "I do not understand. Our shields are down. We are defenseless. We are without weapons. You had us route all weapon power to the shields." Prescott had never seen a Jem'Hadar scared before, but he got the feeling he just had. The Jem'Hadar finished. "You arrogant fool."

"Silence!" Jorlen shouted. "Where is the override. The OVERRIDE!" Jorlen grabbed at Prescott, but the Starfleet captain wouldn't move.

Prescott stood as the Apache closed in. He looked to Storn who was also standing. The Captain of the Belfast and his first officer nodded to each other, silently saying goodbye. Prescott smiled as the Jorlen frantically tried in vein to bring the shields back up.

The Galaxy class ship loomed larger and larger on the viewscreen. Kern sat in his chair hating himself for what he was about to do. Solemnly he said. "Fire."

"Yes Sir." Replied Ortiz.

The phaser cannons unleashed their fury on the unprotected hull of the Belfast. The graviton shells traced a path across the saucer section; their explosions obliterated the bridge. An explosion in the main shuttlebay caused and explosive decompression that caused the saucer to partially breakaway from the engineering section. The Apache arced away from the stricken ship. She pivoted and turned again.

Sadly, as Kern looked at the viewscreen he ordered. "Quantum torpedoes, FIRE!"

"Yes Sir." Ortiz said. His voice was full of regret. The blue orbs struck the engineering section; another struck the dorsal connection point for the saucer. The huge disk broke away from the rest of the vessel.

"Lifesigns?" Kern asked.

"Three thousand, Jem'Hadar. There are twenty-three humans in the saucer. The saucer hung dark and lifeless in space. Small explosions racked the secondary hull. "Captain. I'm reading a warp core breech in progress, I'd give thirty seconds until she blows." Ortiz reported.

Kern sat up straight. "Helm get us in transporter range." He ordered and then tapped his combadge. "Transporter lock on to any human lifesigns on the Belfast and beam them aboard."

The Apache turned and approached the Belfast. "Ortiz, count us down."

"15…14…13…12…11…10…9…" He began.

"Bridge transporter room. Beginning transport."

"Acknowledged." Kern responded.

"7… 6…" Ortiz continued. "We need to leave now, Captain."

"Helm 188 mark 4, Warp 7. Full shields to the rear." Kern ordered "Transporter room, how many did we get aboard?" He asked.

"Eight, Captain, I'm sorry, there just wasn't enough time.

The Apache looped around the Belfast and shot into warp. "3…2…1…0" Ortiz finished. Space lit up as the warp core of the Belfast exploded. There was nothing left of the starship or all the beings on board bigger than a grain of sand. The Apache shook as she was buffeted by the shock wave. After a moment the ride smoothed out as it passed.

Sadly Kern commended. "Good work everyone." Nobody felt good about what they had done though. "Number 1, you have the bridge."

"Yes Sir." Reese said with respect.

"…Well that's what happened. Some first mission, huh?" Tom said finishing the message to Costello. He sat back and watched the stars go by from his ready room window.

He reached over and picked up his trumpet and quietly began to play. It was song his father told him they used to play for fallen soldiers.

Dr. Ral approached the captain's ready room. She could hear the music coming from the room. She pressed the button.

After a few moments Kern replied. "Come."

She entered the ready room to see Kern placing the trumpet back on its stand. "Yes, Doctor, what can I do for you?"

"Captain, I've come to give you the report on the survivors from the Belfast and Commander Ren."

"Yes?" He said as he got up and walked around the desk. He approached the cabinet. Opening the wooden cabinet he brought out a bottle or Saurian brandy and two glasses.

"The survivors are as doing as well as expected most were malnourished; there were a couple of broken bones. Commander Ren will be back on duty tomorrow." She explained. She could sense Kern's feelings due to her Betazoid physiology. "Captain, are you alright? I'm sensing some conflicting feelings from you. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

"Doctor, I just put nearly twenty Starfleet officers to death. How am I supposed to feel? Pleased that I was only able to save eight of them? I'm glad we were able to save eight of them, I just wish we could have gotten more off." He told her staring at the curved neck of the bottle.

She looked at him with those deep blue eyes. "Captain, the crew is proud of you. You saved a lot of lives by destroying the Belfast. Who knows where the Jem'Hadar were going with that ship. Earth maybe?" Her words made him think.

He pulled the stopper out of the bottle and poured one glass. "Thanks Doc." He said with a half-hearted smile. She started to turn to leave. "Doc, I hate to drink alone." He said offering her a glass of the fine liquor.

The petite woman sat down. "Don't mind if I do, Sir." She took the glass and held it in her hands as Kern poured another one for himself.

"Please call me, Tom." He said tossing the drink back. The chime announced another presence outside before he could say anything else. "Come."

Evans entered. "I'm sorry, Captain. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Not a problem, Commander. What can I do for you?" Kern replied.

"Two things, Sir." She began. "First, Admiral Varvaresos is waiting for you on Channel C. and second, I wanted to say thanks for going after Ren." She told him.

Kern responded. "I would have done it for anyone. No one gets left behind." He smiled. "You're welcome though. If that's all you're dismissed."

"Aye Sir." Evans said as she turned on a heel and left the room.

Ral smiled at him. "You have a way of making people feel comfortable around you." She said putting her glass on the desk.

"Thanks Doc." Kern said as he offered her another drink.

She pointed toward the monitor. "No thanks." She said quietly as she got up to leave.

Kern nodded and smiled. He turned the monitor toward him and turned it on. "Yes, Sir." He said when Varvaresos came on the screen.

The Admiral smiled. "Good work out there with the Belfast. Some of our operatives on Cardassia Prime have indicated Earth or Vulcan were likely candidates for invasion. I have put the crew of the Apache and you specifically in for the James T. Kirk medal of valor.

Kern was flattered. "Sir, thank you but with all due respect. I would like my medal to be presented posthumously to the crew of the Belfast."

Varvaresos made a notation on his padd and responded. "Very well then. Good luck, Captain. See you back at Starbase 325."

"Yes Sir." Kern said as the screen went blank. He poured another drink and slowly spun his chair around to view the stars going by as he sipped from the glass.