animated email html page logo

animated image of webtv logo animated image of webtv logo

This is an example of a code to put in your email signature box. To find your signature box; click on setup on your webtv homepage. Then click mail options, then click signature. Then you should have your box. You can also click on settings when you have your mail list on your screen. Then click on signature as before. Click into the box and make sure your cursor is all of the way at the top of the box. You will hear a thump sound. The first thing to put in there is the <html>.

For those of you new to webtv I hope this will help. This is only an example to get you started. There are other ways and many other codes you can add as you become more familiar with html and webtv.
This is it:

<html> <body background="" text="#000000"> <bgsound src="" autostart="true" loop="infinite"> <font size="+3"> <center> WEBTVER < /center> <br><br><br> <p> <center> <img src=""width=104 height=85> </center> </font> </body> </html>

That will give you this:


animated image of webtv logo

You can see you have a recessed angel background with a black lettered signature, and an image. By having the text color added to the body tag it will change the color of your text. You can use just a color for your background rather than an image which will end in either gif or jpg. To do that use this instead of the body background,

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#003333">

This will give you a black background with dark green lettered text. You can make it what ever colors you would like.

Here is a color guide to help you pick colors:


The sound started as soon as you got to this page. This is just how it will work with your email.

There is a problem right now with the email sigs when you post in a newsgroup. The lower half of your email will have a dark ugly grey box rather than your background. To help with that you will need to add something to your html code. So after your
<body bgcolor tag you need to put this:

<table bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff"><tr><td>

This needs to be the same as your body colors you used just above it.

Another problem that happens when you put this table tag in is that when you type your message a dark grey box appears where you are typing your message. This makes it very hard to read what you are typing. To make the box white so you can read it you will need to add somthing to your html. After you have entered your body background tag you need to add bgcolor="white" or you can just type the color number in which would be bgcolor="#FFFFFF". You will need to do this to both the body background or body bgcolor and table background or table bgcolor tags.

You will need to close these tags before you close your body and html tags like this:


Remember that the last entered is the first closed. In other words close tags from last to first. A close tag will always have the backslash before it:


If you want to use a background image rather than a color then you need to use the same background image that you used with the body background tag and use the same text color, like this:

<table background="" text="#000000">

This matches the same info you have above in the body background tag.

Here is a complete example of the code to use with a bgcolor tag in your email sig box:

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table bgcolor="#000000" text="#003333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<bgsound src="" autostart="true" loop="infinite">
<img src="" width=104 height=85>



are break tags. They are used to give you vertical space. The


tag is a paragraph tag and you cannot use two of these together. In other words you can't have this:



You can have this:

<p> <br> <p>

With the sound tag you can use embed instead of bgsound. The embed tag will show a speaker on your page that can be clicked on to get the sound. Also, the loop part of the sound tag can be limited to just repeat once or twice or how ever many times you want it to. With infinite it will just keep repeating over and over without stopping. To limit the loop part just put a number instead of the word infinite, like this:

<bgsound src="" autostart="true" loop="2">

This will have the song repeat twice and then stop.

To use the embed tag so that a speaker is on your page and the music does not start automatically when your email is clicked on, do this instead of the bgsound tag:

<embed src="">

You will get this then:

With this tag you have to close it. You don't have to close the bgsound tag. To close this embed tag do this:


To put an image on your email and make it clickable so that it sends your viewer to another page then do this:

<a href=""><img src="" width=46 height=53></a>

Which will give you this:

So, if you click on the above you will have this page!!

It may look like there are spaces between the brackets. There is not. Also, the quote marks may appear different. They are not. Just shift your apostrophe key.

Please remember!! When you get ready to add to your signature, such as more images or graphics, do not add another html to your sig!! You only need the one at the beginning and one at the end!!

You can always put a different image, sound, letters, and background.This is just a starting point. I have some backgrounds on my pages you could pick from. If you go to Dr.Draac's site below he has a ton of images to pick from. He also has some sounds. On the "More of V's Place" page there is a couple of sites to click on to find sounds.

With your text you can go from:

This size is +4
this is +3 size
this is +2 size
this is +1 size
this is -1 size
this is -2 size

Sometimes you will need to reload your, write your message, screen. When you want to look at you email sig and see if the changes look ok to you. To find your reload key click your options key and then click reload. You will need to have the advanced options clicked on in your setup. To find this, click on setup on your homepage. Then click on options, then click on advanced options and click done. This will now show the screen with the reload key on it when you click your options key.

Again, this is only an example and I am in no way an expert. I am only providing this as a help tool for those of you trying to get started. For other resources please check out:








If you have any questions or I can help you further please email.


Last updated 6-25-99

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