Crap Newsletter No. 7: or, "It's Best To Keep The Hills Away From Friday"
Another Episode of Warped Dialogue, brought to you by The Kronic (ssp)

Cast of characters:

-Col. Auntaun Von Lewenvosaphar III- Grand Chancellor of Brittallia, Bruno vonx Brvomstiege Stalmut's royal peevmonte, 3rd class.

-The Professor

The Diablogue

Col.: Professor, I do declare, this is quite a maevenous romp; tears I say to you now, whatever became of that gleoaty old leak Councellor MacGoodwyn?
Prof.: I do say my good man, I sheared him to be out quite the predictamentatiously befowl'd. The Ele of Lore to which he fortwath.
Col.: Right, then-uh, sir, but what of the dickerin's; the jomp e' ficklefold?
Prof.: Come now, bequithered be it now. Do not pose proposition with trepidicticious roots to he who 'con a jolly wollup!
Col.: Aye, quite good, quite good. Ye neverest hath stumblevent acrox a tither of the finest boquer, up upon one who hath seize a miggulous girpjon there fore emalument, by jorhellment of cause.
Prof.: Romptious vous! Gottish monks do prehold first, the victician splendor of the trambles, the set themselves betwixt Aunt Elacia. Tarmutt brop, Yates!
Col.: Yes, of course, I do see with mine own bedifferend ocules, but not so as much for contentament of cerebalorate glore. I mind to un fre-nash the souls that entrap and ensnarl within the yulgrash of omnifity. So, if you be of harbringe faith, I do quest of you to reap hold onto mine own torgalled-uh, bremeir.
Prof.: Dues, Dues, Dues, figment. I cast not upon ye the bletheren of innocents tegrammeled upon, expecial by the heelmate of a soldid norhgon like those who have at long since reared a mighty ulumnate afore your quintel of savagan moath.
Col.: Yalk! I do for mate a gamere of yule tate, and you-.
Prof.: Distate of you! To make yondel of such upon me? Me, whom doth the many of gallmen bonds. Whom, I inquitane, was it, that renewletted the Sidnaff Grahm of Query Tille? Whom, I formaldimate, graticulatly placed the reams of and, dare I mather, rejunstificated majorited, if not all, of the pallyous brack, zeam to zeam, vam to vam, reatem to everpolytacktifralleneamearifftandiansregalivicular brihm? Dare not I equitate the final answered watt due to formillie yane? Whom, be it the man, combinate of coitaligant appelghan yet mechanigreque fortwath everest unificade of the opposing gendericaum? Shaff!
Col.: You dare to quaggle that birstrom upon mine upondesteret? Shaff?
Prof.: Purgatamalde be creased upon you, for thou speaketh that fortwieght the grandest of milegation in distrificated spekt a azurelated falsecrovetop.