
I'm killing time between class and work, so I thought--why not update?

9 months ago, Joci and I admitted our feelings to each other. Well actually, 9 months and one day. 9 months ago exactly, we decided to go with the feelings and see where they took us, seeing as though we were both terribly scared that we would somehow lose our friendship in all of this. But it's worked out wonderfully so far--no regrets and I am happier than I ever imagined I could be. Joci said to me last night that she can't remember her life before me. I thought about that and realized that I can't either. I mean sure, I have memories of before I knew her, but they don't seem like very good ones compared to the things that have happened over the time we've been together. I'm 9 months happier. :-)

School continues to be fairly boring, but seeing as most of my classes require attendance, I'm forced to go day after day and sit and listen to my teachers drone on. Actually, it's not that bad. We're learning some interesting things in linguistics and I like my English class. Law has the potential to be interesting but the teacher blows. The real problem is that in order to get up for class, I have to wake up. That seems logical, right? Well anything that interrupts my sleep sucks so I still must continue complaining about school.

Melissa and I still aren't speaking...it's been almost two weeks. I have to say that I can try to be nonchalant and indifferent, but I do care. Lots. I miss her and I hope we can deal with things soon.

I called Karen yesterday. I love Karen, we had such a great talk. It started about present events, but eventually dwindled down to what most of our talks end up being--about things that happened last year. About the time her, Linda, Mary and myself decided to try drinking 8 glasses of water a day and every 20 minutes, one of us would be running to the bathroom. About when we stole the cart on the last few days of school and turned it into "the cart o' fun" and made Karen a crown that proclaimed, "I'm yo' nigga fo' life baby!", among other goofy, immature, but terribly fun things that we'd done. I miss my girls, I can't wait to get back to BG, even though things in California aren't bad per se, but things in BG are better.

I remembered the dream that I had forgotten that sparked my wanting to write about my dreams. I was feeling a little nostalgic one night and went to Rebekah's site to look at the pictures we'd taken when we first met way back in October. In the pictures, and I don't know why I noticed this, but Melissa was wearing a silver (? I think) headband and for some reason, that particular headband stayed stuck way in the back of my subconscious and came out in my dream the other night. It went a little like this:

I was at my computer, talking to people online and all the sudden Melissa unblocked me. Woohoo! So we were talking yadda yadda and she told me to meet her and Joegillis (wtf) at the park. So I was like sure, and I went to the park (what park and location we're at is irrelevant, I just don't know). So I run into Melissa in the park's bathroom and she is powdering her nose. The first thing I notice, and how can you not notice this--she's bald. Well, not completely. She had a little band of hair in the front, just enough for her headband to fit snugly into. She acted like it was perfectly normal so I didn't mention anything. We went outside to meet Joegillis (again--wtf, I don't even know the boy) and there was a rattlesnake and we all went running away from it. Then my alarm went off.

So I guess I can see a little bit of significance in that...but then again, not really. Just another product of my twisted mind. I rather enjoyed it though.

Alright, work calls. Whoopitydoo....

East siders: Keepin it real
