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Só revistas médicas

Algumas dessas revistas foram visitadas tendo sido incluido algumas considerações, outras têm os comentários encontrados em seus sites de origem, outras ainda nada possuem. De qualquer forma, o objetivo é facilitar as buscas por publicações On-Line.

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JAMA resumos e textos
Journal of AIDS ONline - Reference source for current information on AIDS/HIV disease diagnosis and management
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Online
Journal of Clinical Oncology – Resumos
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Journal of computer-aided molecular Design
Journal of Digital Imaging
Journal of Endocrinology - resumos
Journal of Nursing Jocularity - The humor magazine for nurses
Journal of Pediatric Medicine On-line - Reviews current management of pediatric disorders
Journal of Primary Care On-Line - Reference source for current information on disease diagnosis and management
Journal of the American Board of Family Practice New!
Journal of the American College of Cardiology – 3 artigos completos
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Majors Scientific Books - Supplier of medical, scientific, technical, business and computer books
Manual Therapy Online - Bi-weekly column on manual therapy
MD Consult - Searchable full-text resource of peer reviewed clinical information
Medical Breakthroughs - Highlights groundbreaking reports per week on lifesaving breakthroughs from the world of medicine.
Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry magazine
Medical News on the Net - service of MedNews.Net
Medical Practice Communicator
Medical Strategic Planning, Inc. - Market research and publishing company
Medical Tribune
Medical Writing by James A. Peterson, Jr. MD
Medscape Mental Health
Medscape Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Medscape Respiratory Care
Medscape Women's Health` - Teste seus conhecimentos!
Microsurgery Consulting, Training
Microsurgery Research Opportunities
Microsurgery: Transplantation - Replantation An Atlas Text
MJFinder - Medical Journals Finder - Here you can find links to medical journals
Monday Morning - Latest pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare releases affecting wall street
Montage Media Corporation - Healthcare publishing firm for domestic and international peer-reviewed journals
Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
MSonly - Exclusive and unique compilation of journal abstracts published monthly on multiple sclerosis
MultiMedia HealthCare/Freedom - recognized medical journals
Musculoskeletal Management
Nature – resumos de matérias dirigidas mais à pesquisa médica.
New England Journal of Medicin – Resumos específicos para área médica - Ótimo
New Scientist - Planet Science - Assuntos interessantes qdo o QI supera os 70
Nurse Week
Nursing & Allied Healthweek
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Oncology Issues
Online Journal of Cardiology - Non profit site providing teaching for caregivers, medical residents and patients
Opus Communications' HealthWave - Publisher of books and newsletters for the healthcare industry
Oregon Health Forum - Monthly newsletter on managed care and health care policy
Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
Pediatric Surgery Update - Monthly electronic newsletter/publication dealing with the practice of Pediatric Surgery.
Pediatrics - resumos
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine - Medical and biological issues in a humanistic, social, and scientific context
Pharmapages - Internet issues in the pharmaceutical industry
Physical Therapy
Physicians Who Care - Nonprofit patient advocacy organization
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Recent Publications, Projects
Reuters Health - Daily medical news for the health care professional to the consumer
RT SOLUTIONS E-Zine - Web-based, interactive journal for Respiratory and Cardiopulmonary Departments
RxTV Prescription for Good Health
Science Home Page - De total interesse para qum fala sozinho
Scrip World Pharmaceutical News - Twice-weekly newsletter on the pharmaceutical industry
Sexologies - European journal of medical sexology
SNN - Senior News Network - Designed for those over 50
Southern Medical Journal – Todos assuntos integrais em Acrobat – Ótimo
Target Healthcare Metro New York Region
The Ajo¨ Bulletin Board System
The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
The Critical Care Forum - Broad range of services for scientists and clinicians working in intensive care medicine
The Health Care News Server - Free daily, original reporting on the business of health care
The HMO Page - Working to improve the quality of health care
The Journal of Cell Biology - Current information on the breakthroughs in cell biology
The Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
The Lancet - Foi muito bom, agora está sendo explorado pela Elservier e ????
The New Zealand Journal of hysiotherapy
The Parents' Letter - Quarterly electronic publication
The WINDS - World Internet News Distributory Source
Today's Internist – A revista da Sociedade Americana de Medicina Interna
U.S. Pharmacist
Virtual Medical Worlds Magazine
W&W Online - Global publisher of books, journals and electronic media
WebMedLit - Medical headlines service currently tracking 18 journals
Your Pregnancy - Well-balanced, prenatal newsletter for pregnant women

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Coletânea feita por Dr. Valter A. Eberlin Filho - Revisado em 12/05/1998