Woodstock Nation Foundation
Perpetual free assembly at the historic Woodstock Festival site in peace, love and music.
My Links Page
Come and see what's out there.
The Mother Language
It is obvious that language in general originated from a single source. Just like in the Babel story. They all diverged around the fourth milleniom BC.
The "Domain of the Hurrians"
This is my website about world culture from ancient times to the preasant. The "Hurrians" are an ancient people from the Zagros, Taurus, Caucasus Mountain region.
LEO German<->English Dictionary
search for the translation you want in the directory.
The Woodstock Library
"An open door to knowledge and enjoyment for the whole community"
Online Language Dictionaries and Translators
A language tranlation Network.
West Meets East
Jewel Eggink's story of how we got to Woodstock.

This page has been visited times.


The Lodge of No Secrets


Dunn Eggink
28 Pleasant Street
Monticello, New York 12701

An illustration from the "Book of Kells", an illustrated Bible of the Gospels made by Keltic monks in medieval times.