These files are for informational and/or humorous purposes ONLY. Do not attempt to do anything contained in these files without first consulting state, federal, and local laws for legality, and obtaining legal counsel. Myself, and Tripod do NOT assume any responsibility whatsoever for criminal acts (resulting in damages, liability or any other consequences), commited by you, the reader. Files are NOT intended for children or persons under 18 years of age. Proceed with common sense!

Best of the Phone Losers of America
pla002.txt Build your own Redbox
pla003.txt Getting even
pla004.txt Dumpster diving, looting bell trucks
pla007.txt Fun Numbers to call
pla008.txt Ruining the life of a 7-11 employee
pla014.txt Cordless phone adventures, starring Dino!
pla020.txt Getting information...
pla028.txt Calling cards
pla032.txt Customer name/address


the latest issue of...System Failure!
sysf06.txt SysInfoTrade, fake mail, ATT800s, firewalling, free Sprint confs., etc

Telephone Free Planet!
tfp01.txt Halloween fun, COCOTS, telephony basics, acoustic couplers, finding #s...
tfp02.txt 5 min. phreak, Millenium phones, evil phone tricks, pair color coding...
tfp03.txt Thanksgiving fun, Anarchy Day, handy numbers, phreaking in school...

Various sources...
rcmac.txt Using the Recent Change Memory Administrative Center to do neat thngs.
cpf.txt Coin Phone Fraud from "the Phone Book". Various attempts to steal coins.
redboxfaq.txt Red Box FAQ.
discbox.txt "the Discbox", an idea for an alternative way to redbox.
cfposts.txt A bunch of posts about Call Forwarding from the old PLA message board.
cocots40.txt Making free calls from COCOTS
phreak.txt Official Phreaker's Manual...the classic.
phreakfaq.txt Phreak FAQ...losta good stuff