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Alright, if you were wondering, the above picture is Steve when he was in High School. He was on the wrestling and soccer teams. I know nothing of the college years of Steve Buscemi but I do know what he did for a living after he graduated.
He was a fireman, he moved furnature (in his directorial debut, "Trees Lounge" his friend owns a moving company and Steve's character offers to help), he pumped gas, he was a waiter at one point, he sold newspapers at a toll booth, and finally, he was an ice cream man. Yes Steve Buscemi drove an ice cream truck (also in "Trees Lounge" the ice cream man dies and his son in law askes Steve's character to take over, Steve says something like "I could never see myself driving and ice cream truck", he takes the job). This is his long and amusing list of jobs.
After his first movie "The way is is or Eurdice in the avenues" (1984) he starred in many indie films, and recently has been in popular films, such as "The Wedding Singer", "Armageddon", and "Con Air", just to name a few recent ones. Steve's first major role was "Parting Glances" in 1986, and he is the central figure on th movie box.
As for steve's family life, he is married to actress Jo Anders, and they have a son Lucian. Lucian Buscemi, not too shabby. Oh yeah, and by the way, Steve was born on December 13, 1957.