My Pages Have Been Visited Times!!
I have Many more sites that you will definetly want to use! They are on a variety of subjects,so read the descriptions before you link. Happy Surfing!!
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My List Of Helpful Educational Links!!
- EducationX
- A site filled with interactive gudes,demos,chats,news groups,search engines,and sooo much more! A must see...
- CheMystery
- An interactive guide to chemistry,made by students!!
- Discovery Online
- A homepage made from the cable station with all the information you get on t.v. A very informative site!
- Word Processor
- A blank page to use for reports and html practice...It also has everything you need for special commands!Check this page out and see what I am talking about!
- Brittanica Online
- Information on all subjects...You can subscribe for a special version,or use the standard version...
- ~Awesome Library~
- This site organizes over 12,000 resources from the web.Simply select who you are and see the site design itself for you! A very cool spot to check out...
- The 50 States and Capitals
- This is of course,a site with information on the United States.So try it out and learn everything there is about your state!!...
- Homework Central
- The biggest study site on the internet,links to everything thats fit to learn! A MUST see!!
- The Looney Bin
- The place to go to help with your study habits! If that is your problem,here's the answer...
- A site to find ideas,topics,and assistance for school projects!!
- Study WEB
- A WONDERFUL SITE "Full" of different categories."Focusing the WEB for Education!"...
- WebWare(tm)for the SAT Skill Lessons
- A place to help your math and verbal skills on the SAT. This site has skill lessons and quizzes to help find your weaknesses...
- KidsWEB-Government
- A worldwide library of government information aimed at K-12!!All you need about our government!!
- Ask Dr.Science
- The place to go and the person to ask about science! Won the 1996 coolsite award!Take a look at this site...
- A+ Math
- An interactive math site that will be fun while you learn!A site that is as fun as educational!
- Who's Out There? A SETI Adventure
- A fun interactive project to expand your thoughts on our universe.I thought this would be a fun site to explore!Have Fun...
- Encyclopedia Brittanica Internet Guide
- Encyclopedia Brittanica shows us all their expertise on this website.Another great research site!!
- Schoolwork UGH!
- A great resource for finding info on a variety of topics,from math to mythology.You'll like it!
My Personal Links About Me And My Interests...