Ask the Attendance Monitor

Here is your chance to ask all those burning questions that you would be afraid to ask anyone else. I am not a licensed therapist, but if there is something that you have always wondered about, this is the place to find your answer. Send in your question and I will reply as soon as possible. You will find your answer here........
Answer Page


Your Question for the Attendance Monitor:

Do you think the Attendance Monitor is a fox?
You Bet!
No Way!
Maybe, if I was on the right medication!

Which do you prefer?
Being Tardy
Being Absent
Being Truant

How did you find my page?

***Click on my moustache to send me your question***

****Disclaimer...All advice is meant for entertainment purposes only, although if you are asking me a question you probably need more help than you would like to admit...good luck to you****
