Arashi's X collection

This section isn't here to brag, it's just to let you know where I got the info, pics, and sounds from. Also at the bottom of the page is a links section where you can get some *RARE* X merchandise!!! Enjoy!!!

Item description What it actually is.....
SD Arashi UFO Catcher
SD Sorata UFO Catcher
Kamui and Kotori Wall scroll
Kamui and Fuuma Poster
X3 Japanese Manga
X4 Japanese Manga
X6 Japanese Manga
X7 Japanese Manga
X8 Japanese Manga
X9 Japanese Manga
X10 Japanese Manga
X/1999:Sonata English Manga
X/1999 1-6 English Manga (the original 6)
X:The Perfect Collection Japanese Book of Character designs
X the movie Subtitled
X manga/movie feature Protoculture addicts magazine
CLAMP feature Animerica magazine
X in Animerica Every issue it was run in. The only reason I bought Animerica in the first place.
X : SIN X doujinshi by SODOM, great artwork and some interesting stories.
X Playing Card Set Deck of 52 cards, Sorata well-placed on one of the Joker cards.

I plan on tracking down some shitajiki. I hope to get the rest of the UFO catchers and maybe some telephone cards. A long time ago in a Hobby Japan I saw a model kit for Arashi. I almost died. If I see it, it's mine!!! Oh, and now for the links.

JAPLUSH-Awesome site with X UFO catchers. Ships from Japan, but S&H ain't that bad!!! (Got Arashi UFO from here)

Anime Lane-Awesome site with Awesome prices!!! (Got Sorata UFO from here)

Anime Crash-Lot's of older stuff, fair prices but cool nonetheless. (Got X Wallscroll from here)
