No X page would be complete without a big grouping of X and CLAMP related links. Enjoy these if you've gotten bored with this site.

X Links

Rabi's X Page- This girl has the ULTIMATE X page. Everything you'd ever want to know about X is here. Assuming that your an X fan, you've probably already been here.

Spiral Dance X homepage-Another really cool X page. I t was from this page that I learned that Kotori dies. (I was pissed!!!) But anyways, a great layout with tons of cool info.

Souhi's X page-Another awesome CLAMP page brought to us by Souhi. Check it out!!!!


Chinmoku no Mori-My best friend ShampUsagi's RayEarth homepage. It's a kickin' page if you ask me. Check it out!

Primera's Magic Knight RayEarth page-The ULTIMATE RayEarth page. It's got everything and anything you could want in a RayEarth site.