Spoilers contained here. I warned you!!!
I'm not going to go too into detail here. There's too much of a plot, and even a lack there of. I do have a couple of suggestions for you, inconsistencies I've noticed after seeing the movie 400 times, and reviews of the characters. (Including who kills who)
First the characters. The one character who pissed me off the most in this movie was Kamui. He acted like such a wimp throughout the whole film! At least in the manga he gets angry and fights back, here he was portrayed as a childish brat.
As for the other characters they were pretty much true to form. A lot of characters were left out that I would've liked to see, (ie-Tokiko, Sohi, Hien, KAKYOU!!!!). I'd also like to know where Sora bought his clothes. I want that duster :)
Now suggestions about the movie. Watch it at night! Adds to the spooky effect, and watch it on a BIG TV. I saw it recently on my sister's 56" TV after I had been watching it on my 25". Man was it awesome!!!! Oh, and prepare to be depressed and angry the first time you see the end. It's not happy. I wasn't too angry about the end of Kamui and Fuuma, I was angry about how Arashi ended up. No fair!!! Everyone else went down fighting!!!! And I hated Fuuma by the end of the film.
Inconsistencies I've noticed. So far I've only noticed two, and they have to do with non-dragons of heaven and dragon's of earth being in the kekkai once it's spread. First off, when the Dragons of Heaven face off against Nataku and Shogo, why the hell was Kotori still in the field? She shouldn't have been there!!! Fuuma yes, Kotori, no.
The second inconsistency is where Karen and Shogo face off at the train station. Where did Shogo get the bullet train? Did he pull it out of his butt or something? It shouldn't have been able to enter the field.
As for the obituaries, Fuuma did MOST of the killing. Here's a run dwon of who killed who.In order of death.
Personally I think X would have been WAY better off as an OAV series. It would've broadened the storyline a little more, they could've followed the manga more closely. More characters could've been included, and there would've been more character development. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the movie, but I would've preferred an OAV series more.