Welcome to my family!
(Please be patient as the pictures load.)

Conner when he was in boot camp Conner in boot camp... before most of you might have known me. Debi's parents posing for a picture with us at our wedding Debi's parents posing for a picture with us at our wedding
Emanuel in the wild wild west... <-- Here I am playing cowboys and indians with the New Mexicans...
My daughter Dayla learned ballet but they weren't so clear about the frills involved until later... My daughter Dayla learned ballet but they weren't so clear about the frills involved until later...
I always enjoy a meal with children...  Isaiah, my newest son, and I enjoyed a meal together, but he wasn't ready for solids. And the Great Pumpkin can't get you if you've got this magic one handy... Daddy told Isaiah "And the Great Pumpkin can't get you if you've got this magic one handy..."
I wonder if Grandmom will share with me... My son, Zachary, ponders whether Grandmom Sacks will share her present with him or not... Grandmom and Grandfather were never happier  Grandmom and Grandfather are never happier than when they are together with the kids. Mom, I'm catching the aliens! "Mom! Behind you!" There's an alien in Isaiah's saucer... oh, it's just Izzy awhile back... Before immigration...  My parents were in the islands even before Elvis was... Don't take away my kodachrome... Debi's parents were dating for awhile, but grandpa kept close watch from behind... Nana, save me! That man in the funny scarf wants to cut my... Big Sister Dayla's going to help Nana protect baby Isaiah from the mean old camera... I am not another year older... Happy Birthday Nana!
My little big sis! My sister Sharon will be Miss America yet with poses like this!
Miss America, look here instead! My daughter, Shoshana, grabs the camera's eye whenever she can
Debi's Davey Babey can strike a pose too  Debi's brother David gets bored visiting when no one's home... Here comes the... crowd! The whole wedding party's here...
The big one on the far left is my best man, Tony, and next to Debi is Tara, her Matron of Honor, and next to her is Jenny, Debi's bridesmaid, and the guy in the back (Vance, a friend of ours) is the roadie who's supposed to be protecting our group from cameras...
Will I ... what did you say?? "We're finally... what?!?!"
Can mom and dad still see us? "nope, nothing behind my back..." Zachary says while Shoshana stands watch.... The big man of the family Look out John Travolta! Here comes Zachary!

Thanks for taking the time to meet my family, we've really enjoyed your visit.
I'll add more pictures from time to time so check back every so often. (With any luck, I'll even sort these pictures into some sort of logical order and set up a link based "table of contents" to take you to the respective category header sometime within the next few days.)

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This page first posted June 14, 2000 and last updated June 14, 2000