This is Mommy and Daddy Hedge Hog. As you can tell they are very much in love.
We adopted our hedge hogs from Billy Bear. Click on the sign to adopt your own.
Here are our baby hedge hogs!
This little boy hedge hog is 2 1/2 months old and his favorite food is melons. Isn't he adorable?
This cutie is a little 2 month old little girl who just loves blueberries.
This adorable little boy is 3 months old and loves to eat bananas.
This little boy loves nothing better than to eat grapes all day!
This little boy loves to munch on strawberries and is 3 months old.
This litle 1 1/2 month old girl is so sweet because all she wants to eat is candy heart kisses!
This 1/4 month old little girl says that popcorn is the best thing in the whole wide world.
Apples are the food of choice of this sweet little 1 1/2 month old little boy.
Even though this little 1/2 month old girl is not an elephant her favorite food is peanuts.
This little 3 1/2 month old girl is so sweet and plump because she eats marshmellows all day.
Hedge Hogs need lots of love and care.
We were lucky enough to get all the equipment we needed to take care of them from Billy Bear, too.

Hedge Hogs need lots of exercise and they love to run and play .

Hedge Hogs really do need lots of love and special care. They really eat bugs and should never be fed people or pet food. For more info on these cuties click on the hedgie below.
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