The Evil Dead Transcription - January 1996 - V1.1


        [Daytime - Inside the Delta 88]
Scott:  Hey Ash, where are we?
Ash:    Well, we just crossed the Tennessee Border.
Ash:    Which would put us...
Scott:    Yeeeah?
Ash:    Which would put us...
Ash:    Right... Here.
Ash:    What the hell was that?  Are you trying to kill us?
Scott:  Hey!  Don't blame me!  It's your steering wheel!  Damn thing jerked
        right out of my hands.
Ash:    I don't understand it.  I had this thing in for a tune-up yesterday 
        and they said they'd go over everything.
Scott:  Yeah!  Well you better take it back because the damn thing don't
        work.  The one thing that does work is this lousy horn.  
Scott:    Ah!  Go to hell!  I'm not honking at you!
Scott:  Jesus Christ.
Linda:  Hey Scotty!  What's this place like anyway?
Scott:  Well, the guy that's renting it says it's an old place.  Little run
        down, but it's right up in the mountains.  Yeah, and the best part 
        is that we get it so cheap.
Linda:  Yeah, why are we getting it so cheap?
Scott:  Well, I don't know.  Might be in real bad shape.
Cheryl: You mean, nobody's seen this place yet?
Scott:  Well, not yet.
Ash:    Well, it might not be that bad.
Linda:  No.
Ash:    Actually, it might be kind of nice.
Linda:  Yeah.
Shelly: It's probably a real pit.
Ash:    Ya, I think this is where we get off.
Cheryl: This is the bridge we're going to cross?
Scott:  Jesus Christ!  The whole thing's falling apart on us!
Ash:    Don't let the noise fool you girls, this thing is solid as a rock.
Scott:  It's supposed to be one of these on here.
Ash:    C'mon!
Linda:  Hey!
Ash:    Hey!  Hey!  Hmph!

        [Daytime - Inside the Cabin]

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Scott:    It barks in the cellar.  It barks in the cellar.
Cheryl: Will you stop it?
Ash:    I would very much like to make a toast for all this evening.
        Ah, as a great friend of mine once said, he said, "I..." Oh Ok Ok
        "??This miss tu tarine??".
Cheryl: Which means?
Scott:  Party down!  Ya!
Ash:    What is this?
Linda:  Whatever it is, it's still down there.
Cheryl: I don't like cellars.  Let's just close it up.  It's probably just
        some animal.
Scott:  An animal?  An animal?    That is the stupidest thing I
        ever heard of.  Jesus Christ.
Shelly: There's something down there.
Linda:  Maybe it is just some animal.
Scott:  Yeah, you're probably right.  Probably just some animal.  Here 
        Cheryl, why don't you go down 'n check, make sure?
Cheryl: Scotty!  I'm not going down there!
Scott:  Ok, Ok you cowards, I'll go.
Shelly: Be careful.
Scott:  Back in a minute.
Ash:    Hey Scotty!  You find anything?  Scotty.  Scotty!  Scott!
Shelly: He's just kidding around...  Isn't he?
Ash:    Scotty!!  Scott!  Linda, get me a flashlight.
Linda:  That's the only one we brought up.
Ash:    Then get the lantern.

        [Nighttime - In the cellar]
Ash:    Scotty?
Scott:    Boo!!  Hahahahahah  Hey, come here, I wanna show you
        something.  Look at all this stuff.  I bet this still shoots.
Ash:    Probably does.
Ash:    Oh God.  Look at this.  
Scott:  Look at this.    This kind of looks like your
        old girlfriend.    C'mon, let's take this stuff upstairs.
        I'll grab the recorder and you get everything else now...

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:    Ok, shhhh...  Listen to this.  This is the tape I found downstairs.
Prof:   (On tape)  It has been a number of years since I began excavating
        the ruins of Candar with a group of my colleges.  Now my wife and 
        I have retreated to a small cabin in the solitude of these mountains.  
        Here I continued my research undisturbed by the myriad distractions 
        of modern civilization and far from the groves of academe.  I believe 
        I have made a significant find in the Candarian Ruins.  A volume of 
        Ancient Sumarian burial practices and funerary incantations.  It is 
        entitled "Morturom Demonto"- roughly translated, "Book of the Dead".  
        The book is bound in human flesh and inked in human blood.  It deals 
        with demons and demon resurrection and those forces which roam the 
        forest and dark bowers of man's domain.  The first few pages warn 
        that these enduring creatures may lie dormant but are never truly 
        dead.  They may be recalled to active life through the incantations 
        presented in this book.  It is through recitation of these passages 
        that the demons are given license to possess the living.  
Scott:  Hey!  What did you do that for?  It was just getting good!
Cheryl: I just don't want to hear it anymore, that's all.
Scott:  Ooooooooo
Ash:    Scotty, c'mon.  Leave her alone, man.
Scott:  Hey, c'mon.  I just want to hear the rest of it.  No big deal.
Cheryl: Shut it off!  Shut it off!  Shut it off!!!
Shelly: Cheryl.  Where're you going?
Ash:    I can't believe this.  Scott, you knew not to play that!
        I mean c'mon, you knew it was upsetting her.  You just don't know 
        when you're taking something too far.
Scott:  Hey, don't give me that!  You were playing it too.  You could of shut 
        it off.  I mean big deal!  She's nuts.  I mean it's just a joke,
        c'mon!  Jesus Christ.  She acts like she's three years old or
        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:    Listen.  Why don't we stay up for a while and listen to the storm?
Linda:  All right, yeah.  Let me check on Cheryl first to see if she's Ok.
Linda:  Aha!
Ash:    Ohh!  Stealing from the blind, hunh?  This is for you.
Linda:    Ash, how sweet of you.  
        Would you put it on?
Ash:    Oh yeah, sure.  I was going to give it to you before we came up here,
        but things got so hectic, this is really the first chance we've had 
        to be alone.  Take a look.
Linda:  Oh Ash!  It's beautiful.  I really love it.  I'll never take it off.
EvlFrc: Join us!

        [Nighttime - Outside the cabin]
Cheryl: Is anybody out there?
Cheryl: I know someone's out there.  I heard you.  I heard you in the cellar.
Cheryl: Ashley!!!

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:    What the hell happened to you?  What's the matter with you?  Did 
        something in the woods do this to you?
Cheryl: No!  It was the woods themselves!  They're alive Ashley!  The trees!
        They're alive.
Linda:  Ash.  Why don't I take her in the back room so she can lie down.
Cheryl: I'm not lying down!  I want to get out of here.  I want to leave
        this place right now.  Right now Ashley!
Scott:  Wait a minute.  I sure as hell am not leaving any place tonight.
Shelly: Cheryl.
Linda:  Cheryl.
Ash:    Cheryl, there's nothing out there.  Trees do not attack people.
Cheryl: Ashley!  Will you drive me into town or not?
Ash:    What?  Right now?!  Look, sure, sure, I'll take you into town, but 
        just listen to what you're saying.
Cheryl: I don't care how it sounds.  I wanna get out of this place right
Ash:    Ok, maybe you could stay somewhere in town tonight.

        [Nighttime - In the Delta 88]
Cheryl: I know it's not gonna start.  It's not gonna let us leave.
Cheryl: Why are you stopping?
Ash:    Wait here a minute.  
Cheryl: Do you see something?  Where're you going?  Ashley?    Ashley?
Cheryl:   It's not going to let us go!  It's not going to let us go!  
        I told you!  I told you!  It's not going to let us go!  Why won't
        you listen to me?

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Prof:   (On tape)  I know now that my wife has become host to a Candarian 
        demon.  I fear that the only way to stop those possessed by the 
        spirits of the book is through the act of bodily dismemberment.  I 
        believe now to avoid this horror, but for myself, I have seen the 
        dark shadows moving in the woods and I have no doubt that whatever I 
        have resurrected through this book is sure to come calling... for me.
Linda:  Ok, ah, let me think.  Ummm... It's a seven.
Shelly: Oh!  What suit?
Linda:  Ahh... diamonds.  N-n-no wait!  Ummm, hearts!
Shelly: Oh My!  It's seven of hearts!  You're right!
Linda:  Hey Ash!  I guessed the card right!
Ash:    Yeah... truly amazing Linda.
Linda:  I don't know.  I don't know, but I think it's really some sort of 
        extra sense or something, you know, like ESP.
Shelly: Ok, try this one.
Linda:  Ok... It's a seven.  
Shelly: I don't believe it!
Cheryl: ... of spades.  Queen of Spades.  Four of Hearts.  Eight of Spades.
        Two of Spades.  Jack of Diamonds.  Jack of Clubs!
PosChr: Why have you disturbed our sleep?  Awakened us from our ancient
        slumber?  You will die!  Nightmare is before you.  One by one we will
        take you.  
Scott:  What happened to her?
Linda:  Did you see her eyes?  Oh Ash, I'm scared.  What's wrong with her?
Scott:  Cheryl!  Stop it!  
PosChr: Join us!
Scott:  Ash.  I think we ought to get out of here.
Ash:    Yeah.
Scott:  We still have a few more hours before morning.
Shelly: I don't think I can wait that long.
Scott:  You have to.  We all have to!  And then in the morning, we'll get in
        the car, and we'll take the bridge.  And-
Shelly: Why does she keep making those horrible noises?  
Scott:  I don't know!
Shelly: Her eyes!  Her eyes... For God's Sake!  What happened to her eyes?
Scott:  Everything's going to be all right.
Shelly: Scotty.  I-I think there's something's out there.
Scott:  Go to bed, and get some sleep.  Ok?
Scott:  Shelly?
PosShy: Thank you.  I don't know what I would have done if I remained on 
        those hot coals, burning my pretty flesh.  You have pretty skin.  
        Give it to us.
PosShy: Join us.  Join us...
Scott:    Hit her!  Hit it!
Ash:    Scott.
Scott:  Yeah?
Ash:    What are-  What are we going to do?
Scott:  We're going to bury her.
Ash:    We can't bury Shelly.  She's a- she's a friend of ours.
Scott:  Yeah, she's dead.  Shelly's dead.  We gotta bury her now.

        [Nighttime - Outside the cabin]

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:    Linda's still sleeping.  I think once her leg-
Scott:  I'm getting out of here.
Ash:    Scott, we can't take Linda anywhere with her leg like that.  We don't
        even know if there is anyway back besides the bridge.
Scott:  Maybe there's a hiking trail, or an old road or some other way around 
        the cliff.  I mean there's gotta be another way besides the bridge.
Ash:    Listen to me.  Linda cannot walk with her leg like that.  She can't 
        even stand up.
Scott:  Well, then we'll leave her here.  Until we can send somebody back.
Ash:    What?  Are you crazy?    
Scott:  Look!  I'm getting out!  I don't care what happens to her.  She's
        your girlfriend, you take care of her.  I'm getting the hell out of
        here.  Right now.
PosChr: Soon all of you will be like me.  And then we'll lock you up in the 
        cellar.  Hahahahaha
Scott:  Ash!  Ash!
Ash:    Oh My God!
Scott:  Help me!
Ash:    Scotty.  You're going to be Ok.  You're going to be just fine.  
        You'll see.
Scott:  Ash.  It's not going to let us leave.  Cheryl-  Cheryl was right, 
        we're all going to die here!
Ash:    No, we're not going to die.
Scott:  We're all going to die.  All of us!
Ash:    No, we're not going to die!  We're not going to die!  We're gonna
        get out of here.  Now listen to me Scotty.  Is there a way around the 
        bridge?  Scotty!  Listen to me please for God's Sake!  Scott!!
Scott:  Ash.  Ash.  I don't wanna die.  You're not going to leave me are you
        Ash?  Are you?
PosChr:   I don't wanna die.  You're not going to leave me here are 
        you?  Are you Ash?  Hahahahaha
Ash:    Scotty!  Now c'mon listen to me for God's Sake!  Is there a way 
        around the bridge?
Scott:  There's a way.  The trail.  But the trees Ash.  They know.  Don't
        you see Ash?  They're alive!
Ash:      Shut up will you?  Shut up!
Scott:  Kill her!  Kill her!
PosChr: Kill her if you can, loverboy.
Ash:    Now, forgive me Linda.
Linda:  Oh Ash, help me please!  Ash, help me please Ash.  Oh Ash.  Please 
        don't let them take me away again.  Please.
Ash:    No, I won't.  I won't.  I promise.
Cheryl: Ashley.  Ashley, help me.  Let me out of here.  Ashley?  Ash, help me.
        Let me out of here.  I'mI'm all right now, I'm all right now Ashley, 
        I'm all right.  Unlock this chain and let me out.
Ash:    Cheryl?  Cheryl?
PosChr:   I'm all right now Ashley!  Come unlock the chain and let 
        me out!  Hahaha  I'm all right now.  It's your sister, Cheryl.
Ash:    Ah you bastards!  Why are you torturing me like this?  Why?
          Shut up!
PosLin:   We're going to get you.  We're going to get you.
        Not another peep.  Time to go to sleep.  We-ahhahahahaha

        [Nighttime - Outside the cabin]
PosLin: Useless!  Useless!  In time it will come for him and then it will 
        come for you!

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:    Here.  Here.    Now, the sun will be 
        up in an hour or so and we can all get out of here together.  You, 
        me, Linda, Shelly.  Hmm.. Well... not Shelly, she-  We'll all be 
        going home together.  Wouldn't you like to be going home?  I bet 
        you'd like that, wouldn't you?  Scott?
PosChr: Join us!  Join us!

        [Nighttime - Inside the workshed]
Ash:    Oh Linda...

        [Nighttime - Outside the cabin]

        [Nighttime - Inside the cabin]
Ash:      Back door.    Shells.  Where did 
        I see that box of shells?
PosLin: (On the record)    We're going to get you.  We're going to 
        get you.
Ash:    Shut up, Linda!  Shut up!
PosLin: (On the record)  So sweet of you...
Prof:   (On the record) through bodily dismemberment.
Scott:  (On the record)  Hit her!  Hit it!
Ash:      Oh come on... come on...  don't... like this...
Ash:      Linda...
PosChr: Join us.  Join us.
EvlFrc: Join us.  Join us.  Join us...

        [Daytime - Outside the cabin]
Ash:    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

        written and     SAM RAIMI
           directed by
        produced by     ROBERT TAPERT
        starring        BRUCE CAMPBELL
        ELLEN SANDWEISS.cheryl
        HAL DELRICH.....scott
        BETSY BAKER.....linda
        SARAH YORK......shelly

        photography and TIM PHILO
        special make up TOM SULLIVAN
        photographic    BART PIERCE
        music composed  JOE LODUCA
           conducted by
           engineered atAUDIOGRAPHICS
           by           ED WOLFRUM
        film editor     EDNA RUTH PAUL
        supervising     JOE MASEFIELD
           sound editor
        second unit     JOSH BECKER
           lighting and
        transportation  DAVID GOODMAN
        construction    STEVE FRANKEL
        assistant       GARY HOLT
        production      DON CAMPBELL
        still           MIKE DITZ 
        location sound  JOHN MASON
        dialogue re-    JERRY FREDERICK
        sound mixer     MEL ZELNIKER
        assistant film  JOEL COEN
        dialogue editor LOU KLEINMAN
        assistant sound DOLORES ELLIOTT

        fake shemps
        DON LONG        JOANNE DRUSE

        post production SOUND ONE CORP.
        optical negativeDYNAMIC EFFECTS LTD.
        negative        J.G. FILMS INC.
        title design    AUGUST FILMS INC.
        executive       ROBERT TAPERT
           producers    BRUCE CAMPBELL
                        SAM RAIMI
           thanks to    AND OUR LOYAL BACKERS

        THE EVIL DEAD, the ultimate experience in grueling horror, was                             filmed in Morristown, Tennessee, and in Detroit, U.S.A.


        Approximate Running Time: 86 minutes
        Transcribed by Stephen Hugh Chan