DA QUIZ!!!!!!
20 Q's, will you get the wall of fame
                                 WALL OF FAME                                 
Name                                                                                                           Score

Directions: Answer the q's by emailing me the answers, give me your name and lets see if you'll go up in the Wall Of Fame. here's my email, way2funny_2001@yahoo.com
1. Almost everyone has a twin in Punch-out(almost same fighting style to save memory), in the list below, who does not?

A. Piston Honda
B. Glass Joe
C. King Hippo
D. Soda Popinski
2. What is Von Kaisers weakness?

A. Punches in the stomach after he gives you a straight punch
B. A Head-Stomach-Stomach... combination after he uppercuts
C. Right before he does his power move, you punch him
D. Alternating punches after he uppercuts
3. Who is the champion of Another World Circut?

A. Bald Bull
B. Mr. Sandman
C. Mike Tyson
D. Super Macho Man
4. The first 2 moves Soda Popinski does are.....

A. 2 Jabs
B. 2 Swings

C. 2 Uppercuts
D. 1 Swing and then 1 Uppercut
5. How many Characters are in Punch-Out?

A. 11
B. 10
C. 15
D. 12
6. Which move does Great Tiger NOT do?

A. Uppercuts
B. Jabs
C. Swings
D. His Magic Punches
7. How many Uppercuts does Mr. Sandman use in his dream punches.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 2
D. 3
8. Super Macho Man does how many different Macho Spins?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
9. What color is Soda Popinski?

C. Greenish
D. Redish
10. What country is Great Tiger from?

A. Mongolia
B. Iran
C. India
D. Turky
11. If you lose to Mike Tyson, what happens?

A. You quit or give up
B. You get ranked down and fight Mr. Sandman
C. You rematch with Mike Tyson
D. You get ranked down and fight Super Macho Man
12. What is Mike Tyson's nickname?

A. Legendary Fists
B. Metal fists
C. Kid Dynomite
D. Speedy Fists
13. Glass Joe has a glass....

A. Face
B. Jaw
C. Stomach
D. He has no glass anything, he is one of the best fighters!
14. Before Von Kaiser was boxing, he was.....

A. A poor street person
B. A Nazi
C. A WWE wrestler named Ric Flair,dyed his hair white, And shaved off his mustache
D. A boxing teacher at a military academy
15. What do you press when you want to DUCK in punch-out?

A. Select when you have no Stars
B. A and B together
C. Down twice
D. Start and Select together
16. How do you get more than 1 hit on Great Tiger after he jabs.

A. Block
B. Duck
C. Dodge left
D. Dodge right
17. Why is Piston Honda called Piston Honda?

A. His punches are as fast as the car brand, Honda.

B. No reason, it's just catchy.
C. Japon was famous for making cars, so they gave him his name from car names and parts
D. Back then, Japonese cars sucked, so they gave him a Japonese car name cause he sucks
18. How many versions of Punch-Out(NES) are there?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
19. Who is the Ref in Punch-Out?

A. Someone
B. Wario
C. Luigi
D. Mario
20. What year did Mike Tyson's Punch-ouT come out?

A. 1986
B. 1987
C. 1988
D. 1990
Now your done, hope you did well!
ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!