The name of my school is "IDEAL SCHOOL & COLLEGE". I passed S.S.C. examination from this school in 1997. It was built in 15th March, 1965. Then it was only a primary school. In 1968 it was promoted to Jouniour High. In 1970 one of the most renowned educationist MD. FAIZUR RAHMAN joined the school as the HEADMASTER. He worked very very hard for the well of the school and the students. His first achievement was the High School. The school was promoted to High School in 1973. Then in 1990 the school was able to open a college for the women. Then it was named "Ideal School & College".

Mr. Rahman was a very religious, fearless and strict person. He was very consious about the quality of education of the school and discipline. He was successful in maintaining the No.1 position. As the majority of the population of our country are the Muslims so the school maintained Islamic rules. But the non-muslim students were also cared with the same respect. Every Musim students were to put on a "tupi" (the religious cap) as "Sunnat".

The Result of the school was always very good. In our S.S.C. exam the school achieved 25 "stand"s in the science group. The Student who was placed First aquired the heighest mark in the whole country. This mark was a record in the whole history of the country as well. Our School was awarder the "Best School" several times including 1997 when we passed from the school.

The teachers are highly qualified and very caring. Several times teachers from this school are awarded "best teacher of the city". But in the year 1997 when the S.S.C. candidates (we) left the school some teachers made a conspiracy with the government and forced our beloved Headmaster to resign.