The Life Stone

The temple was large and golden colored. When we reached the gates, all the weather seemed to stop. Star Fighter and I looked at each other, not knowing what to think of this. Cautiously, I opened the gate, and we went in.

"Awfully quiet." Star Fighter said.

"Sure is." I agreed. We entered the main hall, which was very large and white. Suddenly, light shot us from above. We were surrounded with an orange glow, as our transformations reversed.

"What is happening!" Seiya cried.

"Our powers!" I gasped. Seiya and I were in ribbions of our old uniforms. We rose to our feet, "How did this happen?" I asked. As I spoke, the ribbons around us melded into white robes. Seiya and I had no time to contemplate this, for the door ahead of us swung open.

"The Life Stone is not to be given away for trivial things." A voice announced.

"Wait a minute." I said slowly, "I know that voice. . ."

"It can't be!" Seiya gasped, as a shadowed figure emerged from within the doorway.

"Lady Mercury." I whispered, shocked.

"Greetings Lady Neptune, and Seiya! What a surprise." Her words were kind and gentle. Mercury was not as I was used to seeing her. Her once short hair was now long and fell gracefully to her waist. She wore a dress of silver, and a tiara upon her brow.

"We need the Life Stone." I said quickly, "Haruka is-"

"I know." Mercury said, "And I also know that you want the Stone."

"Please." I asked, "I need it."

"I am sorry," Mercury said sadly, "But the stone can not be used for trivial things."

"Trivial!" I exclaimed, "Haruka is dying, and you call that TRIVIAL?!?!"

"I'm sorry." she said again, "But unless you prove to me that it is a nobel cause, I can not let you use the Stone."
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