Carlito's Way Sounds

Hit "Click Here" on each sound to listen and download.
The larger the bite, the longer you may have to wait.

All Sounds are in WAV format unless noted

Carlito Brigante (al pacino)

Click Here Favor' gonna kill you faster than a bullet. (51 K)

Click Here You think your big time? You gonna fuckin' die big time! (151 K)

Click Here

  Somebody's pullin' me.  Close to the ground.  I can sense, but I can't see.
I ain't panicked. I been here before. Same as when I got poped on hundred'fourth street.
(231 K)

Click Here I was already a mean little bastard while my mother was alive...and I know it. (111 K)

Click Here Nothin' left. Only instead of tumble weed and cow dung, we got stripped car wrecks and dog shit. (188 K)

Carlito Brigante (al pacino) and Rudy (jaime sanchez)

Click HereRUDY: There is a problem with Mr. Kleinfeld.
CARLITO: What kinda' problem?
RUDY: He's in the bathroom fucking Steffie!
CARLITO: So what's the problem? Good for him.
(158 K)

Tony "T" Taglialucci (frank minucci)

Click Here You look at my hands, ah? Now you make me raise my voice one more time and I'll snap your neck like a breadstick. (130 K)

Benny Blanco (john leguizamo) and Carlito Brigante

Click Here CARLITO: You know me?
BENNY: Ya I know you. You Carlito Brigante mother fucker to the max, that's who you are .
(130 K)

Click Here

  CARLITO: O.K. Benny Blanco, from the Bronx.  The chick, Steffie, belongs to the club.  Now if I ever, 
I mean if I EVER see you here again, you die...just like that.

BENNY:You over man. You fuckin' in the history books that's where you are man. So you mind as well
fuckin' kill me now. Cause if I ever see you again, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you.
(439 K)

Pachanga(luis guzman) and Benny Blanco

Click Here PACHANGA: Hey no hard feelings Carlito, but I gotta think about my future too.
CARLITO: Shit...
PACHANGA: You know it be's that way sometimes poppy. Come on, lets go.
BENNY: Naw, you stay here.
(203 K)