YOUR LINK TO THE CLOUDS!! The Gazette recently paid a visit to the New Orleans Jazz Festival. The mud and rain of the first weekend did not seem to slow down the many visiters who weathered the rain and mud. The gospel tent was a special treat. Among the choirs that the Gazette flavored were the St. Monica gospel choir from uptown and the St. Stephen the Great choir. These two groups were a special treat as they rocked the audiences. The Gazette, while enjoying the local tempered foods, also shared in the "enjoyment" of the muddy track. The mud stopped no enjoyment.
The New Orleans Jazz Fest was a success last weekend, even though the skies opened with some rains.The gospel tent was exciting and the Neville Brothers blew the lid off the "rock" area. Revelers from all over the world could be seen having the time of their lives. It looks like not even bad weather can keep people from having fun at the fest. It was fabulous!!