As you can see, I'm starting to attach dates to each chapter again. This is just for my reference only, but you may find it useful.
The Highwind was gone. Torn in half. Cid couldn't take it. His pride and joy, vanished at the whim of a madman. The half that was carrying him and the rest of the people didn't plummet to the ground, mainly because he had the navigation console and ignited the backup central engine. They were able to safely get off, although everyone was a little unnerved and hurt a little. Tifa got to calling Reno and telling him the news.
"WHAT??" He yelled over the phone loudly and clearly. Tifa had to hold it back, because Reno was very angry and sad at the same time.
"I said, Angus blew the Highwind apart. Elena was caught in the explosion, and she was killed. Ramza was on the other side, we still think she's okay. But without some sensible mode of transportation, we'll never find her. Hello? Reno?" The phone clicked, and Tifa heard a dial tone. She frowned and hung up the phone. She turned around and saw that the group had vanished. Rocket Town was big, but not that big. She sighed. Cloud and Nate were still there next to her. "It's Hell, isn't it?" She asked.
"I'm not going to take this sitting down. I'm going to find Ramza." Nate stomped his foot.
"OH no you're not," Cloud said. He glared at Nate.
"Yes I am. You won't search right now because you don't have the Highwind. I'll get something else." Nate turned around and started walking off.
"Now hold on a second!" Tifa ran over and grabbed Nate's arm. "You're not serious, are you?"
"She helped me. She loves me. I sorta... love her too. So I have to do it. I don't know why." Tifa tried to grasp what Nate said. He was acting his age, all right. "Remember the motorbike you gave me for my birthday? Where is it?"
"It's back at home. If Cid can get the Tiny Bronco running, you can get it. Why? It's too small." Cloud said.
"I have... a few modifications to make."
Ramza passed the streets
of Junon, making her way up to the building where Reeve was supposed to
be stationed. She got to his
office, and found his secretary
wasn't there.
"That's odd." She said, and found the door to Reeve's office unlocked. She opened it, and saw Reeve's chair turned around.
"Oh Reeve! Am I so glad to
see you! Listen to this..." Ramza started talking, then Reeve's chair turned
around, and Ramza gasped
loudly. It was not Reeve
in the chair, but a man she did not know.
"Allow myself to introduce... myself. I am Angus Murdoc. Not pleased to meet you, Miss Bouregaurd." Ramza raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know my name?"
"Because I'm an evil, maniacal genius, that's why. I've been watching you. I need you."
"Where's Reeve?" Ramza was barraging question after question.
"I liquidated him. Literally. Observe." Murdoc waved a hand over to a jar filled with something or another, and labeled, "Reeve Aranon." Ramza ran over and looked at the jar, which was filled with some sort of translucent goo.
"How can you do that?"
"I'm an omnipotent being. I can do anything I want, within reason. I'm very similar to that guy Kefka, except that I'm not insane." There was a touch of pride in his voice. Ramza gave his face an odd look.
"You know, I can slice you in half with what I have attached to my belt." She unhooked the lightsaber, and ignited it, and stood at the ready.
"Really? Go ahead. Try it." Ramza jumped up and hacked the saber at Murdoc. He shot his hand out with inhuman speed, and grabbed a hold of the saber. Electricity surged through Ramza's body. Blue and green bolts were on the outside, crawling on her. She let go of the saber immediately, falling to the ground. She twitched, screaming in pain. She thrashed on the floor. Eventually, the convulsions stopped, and Ramza coughed. Loudly. She kept in a wild coughing fit, and then stood up. Her saber was on the floor, she picked it up weakly and buckled it to her belt. She flopped on to a chair, still coughing.
"As you can see, it is not a wise idea to challenge me." Murdoc let out an evil laugh, and grinned.
"What.... what do you want from me?" Ramza managed to say, under deep coughing.
"Nothing really. You're going to be my pawn in my evil, maniacal game."
All of a sudden, Ramza got up. "You think *cough* that this *cough* is a GAME? People's *cough* lives are *cough* at stake! You killed *cough, cough* my mother!" Ramza looked at Murdoc with hate in her eyes.
"No, I didn't kill
her. My bomb killed her. There IS a difference." Murdoc told Ramza. "Now,
are you going to cooperate, or will I have to kill you too?" Ramza stood,
then frowned and sat down. "That's better. You may not know this, but I
revived you to help me with my evil scheme. That cell phone you found is
just a shielded ops-chan. Only you and I can talk through it. If it leaves
within 500 feet
proximity of you, you will
die. Boom. Dead."
"That's nice to know," Ramza replied sarcastically, and rolled her eyes.
"And if you disobey me, and do something decidedly un-kosher, I'll have to kill you too. Understood?"
"Yes," Ramza said dryly.
"I'm glad we have reached an agreement." Murdoc stood up, and grabbed Ramza by the collar of her shirt. "You're coming with me." He dragged her out.
"Now, why did you want this?" Cid had gotten the Tiny Bronco fixed up since Meteor had crashed, and Cid went to Cloud's house to pick up Nate's motorbike.
"I'm going to pull a major MacGyverism right here..." Nate took the motorbike, which was too small for him, and needed a bigger frame, and set it to the side. He took out a toolbox, and began working on disassembling the engine. Cid began scratching his head, and walked away. Nate was in a pair of blue jeans and a shirt that said "Everything in Life I Learned From J.R. Ewing." It had a picture of J.R. on the back. Nate had set up a kind of shop in Cid's backyard. He tampered, klinked, toyed. Eventually, the engine was removed. He heaved as he brought it over to the other side. He began disassembling the bike. Part by part came off, tossed to the side. He brought over some old sheets of metal, and began banging them with a hammer, molding them to a shape. He took off and got a welder.
The welder began welding what he had molded out of metal to what he had just built. After days and days of work, Nate DID complete the ultimate MacGyverism.
"And what the hell is that?" Cid asked incredulously.
"It's a jet car." Nate told Cid. Nate had worked a lowly motorbike to a jet car. It had wings, but it didn't seem like it had props.
"And how the hell do you suppose it'll get off the ground?" Cid crossed his arms and puffed some smoke.
"Easy. Watch." Nate
sat in the captain's seat, and Cid saw the controls. A steering wheel,
a stick, two pedals, some buttons and
switches, a gear shifter,
and some sort of T-stick. Nate turned the key and started it up. He revved
the engine, and got it moving. He got up the speed, and pulled the t-stick.
Out of the wings came out two jet engines. He pulled the T-stick forward.
The jet engines kicked in, and the jet car lifted over Cid's head. Cid
turned and watched it, and his cigarette fell from his mouth. Nate had
the stick in his hand, and navigated like a pro. The safety harness had
came down, and he was locked into place. "That's better. This is what I
get when Vincent forces me to watch MacGyver..." All of a sudden, bullets
began to fly by.
"Huh?" Nate dropped his altitude, and saw fighter jets and a helicopter fly over him. The chopper and jets landed just outside of Rocket Town. Nate brought the jet car down, and he and Cid ran into Cid's house.
"Did you guys see what the hell flew over here?" Cid burst out. The people in the house shook their heads. "Come on!" Cid ran out, and the rest followed him. The jets had landed, the pilots out with guns pointed at the group. The chopper had a landing, and the door popped open. A stairway came down, and out popped a man, in about his thirties, with brown hair and an eye that had a tendency to twitch. But what surprised the group was the woman he was dragging by the collar: Ramza. Reno was aghast at the sight, and ran in front of the group.
"Really. It's nice to meet you all. My name is Murdoc. Angus Murdoc. You may know this woman I have sedated at the moment." He pulled Ramza out in front of him. She was out cold. Her eyes shut, face expressionless. Murdoc lifted her up. She was held limply
"You son of a bitch! That is my daughter!" Reno came out, and took out his nightstick. At that precise moment, Ramza took that time to come out of sedation.
"Uh... oh... dad... dad? Don't! Don't attack him!" She managed to say. She sounded as if she was half asleep, although her eyes were open and at the ready.
"I believe you should heed her advice. When she tried to kill me, she got a nice electrocution from that little weapon she has. What was it called again? A lightsaber?" Angus bent down and unhooked the lightsaber from Ramza's belt. She was still suffering from sedation, and couldn't reach to get it back. Murdoc took it in his right hand, and lit it. A shimmering purple beam came from it. "Now THIS is a piece of work. Did she make it herself? I'd love to have an army of people armed with these." He waved it around. After he was done toying with it, he extinguished it, and hooked it back to Ramza's belt.
"You've got a lot of gall to come here after what you did to her, and my wife." Reno gritted his teeth. It was a stare down. Plain as day.
"...really. So long." Murdoc turned around, and dragged Ramza behind him. He got back into the chopper, and the fighter pilots got back into their planes.
"What are you standing there for? Do something!" Reno turned and yelled.
"Well, we could, besides the fact that they have heat seeking missiles and Vulcan guns pointed at us," Nate said. The planes took off, and the chopper followed. When they were at a reasonable distance, Nate ran over to the jet car and hit the ignition.
"I'm following them!"
"You can't!" Cloud and Tifa pleaded.
"...sorry." Before they could stop him, Nate hit the T-switch, and the jet engines kicked in, propelling the plane forward and off the ground. A trail of smoke was left following it. The group just stared. Speechless.
"Now that we've established who I am with those people, I say we start wreaking some havoc, don't you think? Of course you do!" Ramza did not find Murdoc's sense of humor funny at all. She was sitting in a chair in what used to be Reeve's office. Another thing that was incomprehensible was that everyone was oblivious to Murdoc's presence. "Come here." Ramza got up and stood in front of Murdoc's desk. He took some sort of watch like thing, and placed it on her wrist.
"You're free to leave
to your quarters. Don't do something that you'll regret. I'm watching your
every move. Don't think I'm bluffing,
either. I am dead serious."
Ramza nodded, and turned to leave. She was directed to her quarters by
one of Murdoc's henchmen, and found something she wasn't expecting. It
was as if it was a Grand Moff hotel room! It was grand, all right. A 30
inch TV sat in an entertainment center, with speakers placed all around
the room. An Amplifier, dual tape deck, 200 disc changer, a GEQ, and a
whole bunch more of audiophile stuff was there. The walls were sparsely
decorated as well. A trip to the next room resulted in finding a kitchen,
with a stove, microwave, and an extra large refrigerator. It seems Ramza
didn't have to go grocery shopping, because it was full of food. She closed
the fridge, and went into the bathroom. The bathroom was sparsely decorated
as well, with only a sink, toilet, and shower stall. She sighed, and left.
The last room in the apartment was the bedroom, which, to Ramza's surprise,
looked like someone actually did a good job making it. The sheets were
a nice shade of blue, with white pillows on them. The walls were painted
a light reddish color that almost faded into light pink territory. It also
had a small TV, with a clock radio on the stand next to the bed. A lamp,
with an arm suitable for angling for reading, was hooked to the wall.
"If he wanted to kill me, he'd have done it already. Maybe he does want me to be his slave." She opened up the closet, and was taken aback by the fact that there was a wardrobe to rival even a famous person's. It had T-shirts, pants, jeans, mid rift shirts, and more she could keep tabs on. A dresser in an alcove held underwear. Surprisingly, it was all her size. She checked the rest of the clothes, and they were her size too. Either he had rooms like this stocked for workers, or did the fastest shopping trip in the history of the world. She might as well enjoy this while she could. She would try to keep from doing Murdoc's deeds long enough. She returned to the living room and sat on the couch. There were three CD racks. She counted them all, and found a total of 200. Strangely, all the discs were of artists she liked. Neil Diamond, Pink Floyd, James Taylor, Jimmy Buffett and more and more of her favorite artists were there, as well as several boxed sets of classical artists. She took out a jewel case and found the disc missing, just a number.
"134," She said aloud,
and looked on the outside of the case. 134 was written on a label on the
side of the jewel box. The 200 disc
changer must hold all these
discs, she thought. She picked up the remote, chose disc 134, and sat down
to listen to glorious Pink Floyd.
Author's Notes
Kef here. Hmm... long
chapter. Ah well. This took some time to write, and it will be a turning
point in the story. Yes, MacGyver did
make a jet car. And yes,
Reeve is a pile of goo in a jar right now. Sorry about that one, Reeve
| Table Of Contents | Chapter 17 | Chapter 19 |