It seems you have stumbled
upon the lowly FAQ to my story! Prepare
to have some frequent (and
not so frequent) questioned answered!
Q: What's the deal with Ramza? Isn't that the main character in Final Fantasy Tactics?
A: I stole the name. Easy as that. I felt Ramza is more of a feminine name anyway, so it fits. :)
Q: How did this whole story start?
A: Well, it sorta began one day in march. I was reading multichapter, megaepic stories, and thought, Why don't I do that? I was an established short story writer at the time, so I decided to go ahead and write one. But I needed ideas. And that's where your friendly local Brickroad comes in. Brick helped me write the preliminary parts to this story, and got a few major ideas, like the parts with Kefka, Sephy, and Shadow. After that, the story kinda took off as my own, and I write chapters as I go. I do not have any rigid story outline to follow, so things can get kind of wild if I don't watch myself.
Q: Who are your story previewers?
A: Brickroad, and anyone willing to read my chapters.
Q: What is the Ramza Age Guessing Game?
A: A game I like to play with people who haven't read TR, and generally visit the RPGamer FF series message board. The Ramza CG is in my signature, and I ask people how old they think she is. Until they get it right, or I get tired of it, I reveal the answer: Seven. I usually get called a pervert, pedophile, or both.
Q: What is it with Dallas, MacGyver, Pink Floyd, Star Trek, and Neil Diamond?
A: Ah, my many obsessions. Dallas and MacGyver are my fave TV shows. Star Trek is another show I like, but not like Dallas or MacGyver. Pink Floyd is my fave band, while Diamond is my fave singer. I always love twisting my personal interests in this story.
Q: What's this deal with Angus Murdoc?
A: Murdoc is my original villain. His last name is swiped from Murdoc, MacGyver's arch-nemesis. He has an eye that twitches involuntarily, and looks alot like Reeve.
Q: Why does Ramza use a lightsaber?
A: I was tired of her fighting
with her hands, so I gave her a more elegant
Q: Nate! He's a heart throb! *swoons*
A: Okay, what have you girls been smoking lately? *coughcoughellcryscoughcough*
Q: Why is nate's middle name Ruffo?
A: Nate is named after my best bud, Nathan Ruffo. Nate hasnt read this story, nor likes final fantasy, so he doesn't really get the credit he deserves.
Q: Who is this Angel Gabbiani person, and why does she draw all this good art?
A: Angel is my official TR illustrator. A great artist. She drew many pics of Ramza and Nate, and the first Murdoc pic too.
Q: Can I have some Ruffles?
A: No, get your own bag.
Q: Why did you switch Nate and Ramza's bodies around?
A: A pitiful attempt of mine to keep the story going longer. :) No, it was something Kefka had planned if he couldnt do anything else.
Q: I've noticed alot of references to real life things. What are PCB's?
A: PCB's = polychlorinated biphenyls. Carcinogens are they. G.E. dumped a bunch of them into the Housatonic river. They are in big trouble by the EPA, and pittsfield is divided because of it.
Q: What is a MST?
A: MST = Mystery Science Theater. A MST is a theater review kind of thing.
Q: Why do Nate and Ramza have theme songs?
A: Because I want them to have theme songs. Can't be FF without theme songs, can it?
Q: What has changed in the TR Digital Remaster?
A: The TR Digital Remaster is the HTMLized version of TR. It contains an updated FAQ, fixed plot holes, a few minor details changed, some grammatical fixes, a few scene changes, and some clarifications to certain places. I also fixed up a few mismatches.
Q: What is with "The Wall?"
A: The Wall is a Pink Floyd album. I chose many songs from it for dreams because they deal with a person named Pink Floyd. The Wall is a story in itself, and it revolves around a character named Pink Floyd. Most of the songs are about going insane, so they kind of fit the dream sequences.
Q: What is the official Soundtrack?
A: The TR SDTK. Contains:
Q: Can I post TR on my site?
A: Yes, you can. BUT, please email me first! For several reasons.