Hello. For current updates, schedule, learning, or questions, please see the contact information below. Thank You.

Please contact Sheran Hancock for more information about the band.

For more New Zealand Pipe Band information, please visit: RNZPBA HOME

Feilding & District

Feilding & District
Contact Person: 	Graeme Buchanan
Position/title: 	Secretary
Postal Address: 	55 Weld St, Feilding
Phone: 	(06) 3566514
Email: 	Graeme Buchanan
Website: Feilding & District Pipe Band	
Month of AGM : 	April
Band Practices: 	Feilding Caledonian Society & Pipe Band Hall, 55 Weld St, Feilding. Mondays 7.00pm
Piping enquiries: 	Graeme Buchanan
Drumming enquiries: 	Allan Cotton
Parades enquiries: 	Graeme Buchanan
Tartan: 	Royal Stewart
Other Information: 	We teach learners of all ages. Contact Graeme Buchanan or Allan Cotton for details

Feilding & District on RNZPB


Western Australia Police Pipe Band
Hamish Cotton's Pipe Band
The Manawatu Scottish Pipe Band
Sheran Hancock's current band
Royal New Zealand Pipe Bands
Listing of all Pipe Bands in NZ
Feilding, New Zealand
Feilding, New Zealand's Promotional Website
Feilding, New Zealand
Wikipedia's page on Feilding, NZ
The Pipes & Drums of the Signal Association
A non-competitive band in Auckland, NZ
Canberra Burns Club Pipe Band
Bob Dunsire's Bagpipe Web Directory
The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

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