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More Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Links...
- VFS Marketplace and Expo
- Chat page
- International Fly Fishing Association
- Central Oregon Flyfishers (COF)
- My local club...
- FF@
- The McKenzie page
- Chez Sharon
- FLYFISH.COM...Flyshop Index
- Anglers On line
- Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF)
- Pattern and Flytying Websites
- Fishing Denmark
- The Biosphere Flyfishing Gateway...Oregon, the Northwest and More-Oregon Waters and Flies
- The Virtual Flyshop, Fly Fisherman's On-Line Network
- ODOT traffic Cams
- Fly Fishing Interent Links
- Vic's Fly By Night - Trout and Steelhead Flies. Fishing Oregon Outdoors
- The Midwest Flytyer
- Raske's New England Streamer Page
- The Columbia & Snake Rivers Campaign
- Rodmakers
- Whiting Farms: Producers of Hoffman hackle
- Fly fishing History - Contents
- Wes' Virtual Undiscovered Flies Pattern Book
- Fly Tying Tools @ The Fly Shop