I'll shave off the soupstrainer............74K |
That's a dilly of a pickle.................32K |
We're done diddly done for.................126K |
Hey Homer! I can see your doodle!..........39K |
Homer, I've got a fozzy of a bear..........299K |
Great quality Flanders sound file..........156K |
Hens love roosters, geese love ganders.....54K |
If any of you ever need a favor,...........101K |
Here ye, here ye, The Court of Infernal....191K |
Hidely ho..................................17K |
Homer you are the worst human being........67K |
Hot diggity................................8K |
How-de-doo neighbor.........................9K |
Oh, indeedily doodily......................14K |
And as for you, I don't know you...........58K |
I'm a mur-diddily-urdler...................29K |
Heddily ho. Welcome to your new home.......39K |
Dear Lord, may your loving hand guide......133K |
Okily dokilly doo..........................22K |
Okily Dokily...............................10K |
Ned Flander's family reunion...............113K |
Rodger Dodger..............................9K |
Woohoo! Eat my shorts Shelbyville..........68K |
I want to yell out but I just can't........54K |
Ned and George Bush have a conversation....59K |