Award Winning Hokie Door

Hokie Door Most offices have a Christmas door decorating contest, and in 1999 I went with a Hokies and Sugar Bowl theme instead of the "normal" Christmas theme.

The main item on the door is a VT flag that I bought several years ago. I won $10 on a Tech-UVa game bet with a UVa fan, and used the money to buy the flag. (Thanks Kip!)

The Hokie Birds at the top have the names of all the Hokies that were at the Logicon Syscon office in Dahlgren.

The letter to center on the flag says "Dear Santa, Please bring a Sugar Bowl victory and National Championship to Virginia Tech. The Hokies". I guess I shouldn't have waited until December to write the letter to Santa. Next year I'll be sending it in August!

The Hokie Bird beneath the flag is saying "Ho Ho Hokies! Merry Christmas!"

There is a Hokie Birdfeeder below the flag also, containing birdfood (some people might think it's candy) for any Hokie Birds (or co-workers) who might pass by.

The socks are ancient - I think I had them went I went to Tech in ancient times (shortly after socks were invented). They are hung as "stockings" for Santa to fill with gifts. One of the socks has a bottle of Hokie Water in it (Thanks Mickey!), and the other has a jar of Hokie Salsa.

The flag also has a copy of my son Matt's Sugar Bowl ticket and a Hokie football helmet on it.

If you'd like to see some closeups, click below.

You may be wondering what sort of award I won for this door. Well, I got the award for the HOKIEST door!

This page is maintained by Frank Eak. Suggestions and comments will be gladly accepted. You can send email to me at

This page might have been visited several times since March 29, 2000.