Whether we like it or not, there are certain rules that pertain to relationships between women and men. These rules are based upon laws of basic human nature. They work.
To think women and men should treat each other exactly alike is unrealistic. To think you can treat a love interest like a buddy is absurd! The man must have an attraction and be the pursuer in the relationship. Relationships approached any other way just will not yield satisfactory results.
You might want things to be different. You may not like The Rules, but you will like the results. The Ruleshave been criticized for being old fashioned and unfeministic (to which I say a hearty, BRAVO!) The authors try to defend The Rulesfrom these allegations. What didn't work 50 years ago still doesn't work today. Human nature has not changed because it is built in by our Creator.
Although the book is mostly written for single women wanting to get to the altar with Mr. Right, there is an excellent chapter on "A Rules Refresher For Married Women." This chapter is the focus of the remainder of this editorial. Below you will find 16 rules for married women.
It won't help to demand his attention. You need to begin on a program to improve your visibility. You are the woman he loves and married. Keep yourself up for the sake of your marriage.
First Steps in Winning the War
Stay at Home Women
Check Your Attitude
How to Be an Unforgettable Woman
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