0.82kb Complete Set of Task Lists Part 2 0.82kb

This is a continuation of my Wednesday pages. It covers 2 bathrooms. I do the same jobs in both, but different station things. Notice it has the Thursday index tab on it.


Thursday's sheets don't exactly follow suit. Thursday is the day I do office work and run errands. I try my hardest to consolidate as much as I can into one day of running around. It's a waste of gas and time to have to always be heading out for some forgotten item. I made a list of all the places I could think of that I go. I try to make appointments on Thursdays also. I keep lists on my post-it note holder in the front of my notebook, and I have a master grocery list I refer to that helps me not forget things. The bottom of the page has the cleaning for my sewing room.


The second page for Thursday is office and library. This is the work I do in those areas, plus bill paying and paper filing. (I have pages planned for my filing system.) Friday's tab is on the 2nd page of my Thursday work.


I'm nearly to the end of the week! Friday is an easy day. This page is for the upstairs which includes the hall and the guest rooms. It's a quick one. I usually use part of the day to bake or something else I feel like doing.


We made it to the end. This is my last page and to be real honest it doesn't get much attention paid to it. I do the porch more often in the summer when we use it, and work in the yard routinely as part of my daily chores...which I don't think I have written down, I just do it.


I know these pages took a while to load. Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have.


Click here for part one.

If you do not want to see the first part of my lists, you can go back to Lesson 2 or continue on to Lesson 3.

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The Organization Express Newsletter


I would love to send a hearty THANK YOU to Helena Normark at Graphic Garden for the backgrounds, graphics and html for setting up the page. Give her site a look when hunting for graphics. They are fabulous.


The Depot at the Home Station
Back to the control center.