meanings behind frogstomp

israel's son 
"It's about an execution I saw on tele...I got this video of an execution, 
and I just saw it, and I was watching it one night, and I had a dream about it, and I woke 
up and thought, 'Oh yeah, that's pretty cool', and I wrote a song about it."  ~Daniel

"I saw on SBS once this documentary about a poor guy that takes a rich guy to a 
poor persons' hotel to experience what it's like being a poor person and that. And the rich 
guy is complaining to get out and that, and he has to wait 'til tomorrow to get out of the 
hotel and that situation." ~Daniel

about a friend of Daniel's that was killed in the infamous Newcastle earthquake. ~Ben

pure massacre
"I think it was that Bosnia thing." ~Daniel  
Daniel wrote it after watching a special on TV about war.

"Shade is on abuse. I saw [a program] on tele about it, just mental and physical abuse." 
Offering support to someone under those circumstances and encouraging them to speak 
up and stop the violence.

leave me out 
Rejecting greed and power. ~Daniel

suicidal dream
Fantasizing about suicide, asking for help in tossing off the thoughts. It's 
also about showing that it's normal to have suicidal thoughts once and a while, but 
that doesn't mean you have to act on them. ~Daniel

madman (vocal mix)
The addiction of alcohol and how it takes over. ~Daniel

Parents fighting and taking the agression out on the kids, wishing they'd either get 
along or get a divorce, & feeling forgotten in the wake of the war. ~Daniel

The process of growing up and out of the "shell" of childhood feels like your fighting 
against everyone, including yourself. The title is metaphorical of a cicada's 
metamorphosis.  ~Daniel

When things get tough, don't give up. On the surface, it seems to be talking about 
someone that screwed up and now finds themself in jail, constantly regretting their 
mistake and wishing they were free. ~Daniel