meanings behind neon ballroom

emotion sickness 
"If I had to pick one song which was the essence of this album it would 
be "Emotion Sickness". To me, that is the song that I am most proud of, 
out of all the songs I've written. And to have someone like David Helfgott 
play on it was like a dream - he was just so cool." ~Daniel
This song deals with anxiety, depression and an eating disorder and 
isolation all in one. Making it the most personal. 

anthem for the year 2000
"I was asleep on night and I having having this dream that we were playing 
this huge stadium, like Wembley Stadium. I never really have such vivid dreams, 
and there were hundreds of thousands of people and they all had their hands 
above their heads clapping. I woke up and it was like 3:30am, and I thought I 
have to write a song so people can do that. So I just went and wrote this big 
anthemic kind of rock song and that's what came out. The whole thing is just 
about youth rebelling against people who are supposably more important. It's 
about youth having control over their own minds... They don't need overweight 
people in suits telling them what to do and how to act, it's all about being 
yourself." ~Daniel

ana's song [open fire]
"I have always written songs about how I felt. I was kind of warned by people 
that this song could be a mistake lyrically but I have never really compromised 
and I am not prepared to do it on this song either. And I think it'll help more 
people than people realise. Ana is a composite of people. It is a group of people 
with eating disorders." ~Daniel

spawn again
"This song is about anti animal experimentation and I think that it is probably 
the heaviest song we have ever really done in terms of music. We originally demoed 
the song and then it got remixed for a sound track and we decided to do another 
version of it again because we really liked the song and we thought it was just 
being wasted on just a soundtrack." ~Daniel

miss you love 
"Miss You Love is about being stuck in a mental state and not being able to find 
any love outside your family because you're too afraid of commitmemt and getting 
attached to someone." ~Daniel

dearest helpless 
This is a song written about a friend of Daniel's whose boyfriend beats her, Daniel 
wrote it for her and to expose that sick fuck for doing that to a girl. Once again 
Daniel's compassionate heart comes through and saves someone else. Thanks Daniel.

do you feel the same
No real stated meaning to this song as of yet but I will find out and keep looking 
into it, um I know the guitar solo is dedicated to Daniel's dad, Greg who is a big 
Neil Young fan and suggested to Daniel to put a solo into the song after hearing 
the demo version without the solo guitar part.

black tangled heart
"It's just about feeling like the world is collasping on you because you don't have 
anyone to love -  that's why there are those manic explosions of distorted noise. We 
just wanted to make some parts of the song really pretty and others really ugly." 

point of view
"It's about being in a vulnerable state and having someone take advantage of you" 

satin sheets
"That's about the corporate world looking down on people. If I walk into a restaurant 
or cafe or something, there's this whole yuppie mentality of people who think I 
shouldn't be there because I don't brush my hair. But I've probably got more money 
than them. It's about people who think that unless you look rich, you're not rich, 
and if you don't look rich you don't deserve to be at a cafe having a cup of coffee." 

paint pastel princess
"That's about anti-depressant drugs that totally level you out. You no longer feel 
highs and you no longer feel lows, it's just all the same and that's why the chorus
says "It's all the same to me" ~Daniel

steam will rise
"It's about being contained through violence, and being afraid to be yourself 
because you don't want to get attcked so that whole song is about people punishing 
your self esteem and making you scared to be yourself for fighting against it" 