silverchair links:

Petrol&Chlorine site
silverchair paradise
I need a change...


How it started...
  The members of silverchair got bored of
going to the beach and decided to form a
band.Ben played drums and Daniel had 
started taking up guitar.They had another
guitar player, Tobin Finane, who moved to
England. They sounded bad without a bass
player so they convinced Chris to join.
He was a natural. Nobody wanted to sing so
when they had a gig coming up, the job
got forced to Daniel. They entered a longer
version of "Tomorrow" into a contest and won.
Soon after they were signed and "Tomorrow"
was a hit single. You know the rest...

How did they come up with the name...
(interview with triple J)

Ben: Daniel and Chris were at my house one day
 and, umm, we were ringing up radio stations
 requesting songs...
Daniel: Triple J of course
Ben: Actually we couldn't get through. I wanted
 to request "Sliver" and Daniel wanted to request
 "Berlin Chair" by, umm,
Daniel: You Am I
Ben:...You Am I, and just as a joke we said,"how
 'bout we request, umm,'sliverchair'?" And
 then Chris wrote it down and he switched the
 letters around and it said...
Daniel: accidently...
Ben: yeah
Daniel: and it said "silverchair"
JJJ: because you're so good at spelling...
Ben: yeah
Daniel: and we said, "(sigh) silverchair!"
Ben: yeah, we just said, "thats a good name."