Beach Boys Concert--July 8, 1999

Cherry Festival
Traverse City, MI
July 8, 1999

Just got back from the CCR/BB concert at the Cherry Festival in Traverse City. Grade = Poor.

Let me preface my detailed review by saying that I hadn't planned to go see Mike's BB this year. What changed my mind was a mild curiosity to see David Marks, coupled with the fact that they were practically playing in my back yard.

As you regular listeners may remember, we're having a rainy summer here in Michigan. Today was no exception. A cold hard rain developed in the afternoon, and throughout the evening it just kept getting colder and harder. It didn't seem to dampen the spirits of the large crowd that turned out for the concert. I think allowing umbrellas into the venue helped a great deal.

Credence Clearwater Revisited was a pleasant surprise. They had a great solid sound and really fired up the damp crowd. It was a little nauseating to hear the lead singer emulate every nuance of John Fogerty's delivery, but it was cool to have Elliot Easton of the Cars playing guitar.

I thought with the bad weather they would have had a quick change over between bands, but instead they fiddled around at great length while we stood patiently waiting in the rain.

When the BB finally started playing, there were noticeable leaks developing in the canvas roof over the stage. I expected them to reward our patience and discomfort with a high energy show, but this did not happen. Bruce was cheerful and tried to pump up the crowd, but Mike seemed sullen and disinterested. Maybe the weather was affecting his arthritis. David (who was my main reason for going) was nowhere to be seen.

On the plus side, the unusual circumstances caused Mike to break out of his normal routine, and his commentary was pretty funny. When they were playing, however, he would shuffle around with his hands in his pockets looking bored. At one point he was playing the tambourine, and at the end of the song, he just dropped it on the floor like a dead rat.

Here's the songlist:

California Girls
Do It Again
Little Deuce Coupe
I Get Around
Surfer Girl
Don't Worry Baby
Duke Of Earl
Why Do Fools Fall In Love

At this point they were gearing up to do Good Vibrations, when a large stream of water landed on one of the keyboards. Mike says "we have to wait a few minutes to see if our organ is going to work. I thought that's what they created Viagra for." After conferring with some people back stage, he came back and announced that conditions were getting too bad and the rest of the show had been called off. He said he was sorry they couldn't continue, but he didn't sound very sorry. The audience seemed to be very understanding, and everyone sloshed happily back to their cars.

A few comments on particular songs.

As someone else mentioned regarding a previous show, the car songs were done way too slow. These usually comprise a high energy segment, but here they were depressing.

Adrian murdered the lead on Surfer Girl, but then turned around and delivered a beautiful lead on DWB. Mike mentions that the high parts were originally done by his cousin Brian, and then Bruce until his voice changed.

The highlight of the show, and the only song that got a big response from the audience, was Duke Of Earl featuring Phil Bardowell. The funny thing is that this isn't a BB song and Phil isn't technically a BB.

CCR proved that a good concert could be given in spite of the conditions, but the BB show was plagued with technical problems and lackluster performances. Thankfully, as Mark Twain once said, we were able to draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene.

One final thought:

I have now seen all three of the currently touring BB factions. The power of the BB name is apparent when the attendance at Mike's show was bigger than Brian's and Al's combined.


Contributed by: Rick Mannor

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