An impromptu performance after a book-signing session for Al's children's book "Sloop John B".
Adam Marsland writes: "Alan [Boyd] suggested we go along on the off chance AJ might want us to back him up, and I thought it was a good idea since we hadn't actually met the man yet. The rest of the band were tired but since we were staying right next to the Borders, we figured we should put in an appearance.
Good thing we did, because about fifteen minutes after meeting AJ (outside the Borders, briefly), during a fairly off-the-cuff instore appearance where it was just Al, an acoustic guitar and a funky mic stand (plus a packed room), AJ called Alan up to help sing harmonies and Alan called the rest of us up. There were no mics, but we projected pretty well on the harmonies for "Sloop John B" and got a big response from the crowd, followed by "California Saga/California". We made our way back to the audience then Al unexpectedly started doodling "Vegetables," so Alan and I made an about-face and did a pretty good job winging the harmonies to that until Al surprisingly started going into the SMILE version of the song and it fell apart.
But then Al called the whole band back up for "Help Me Rhonda," which went great (at one point he turned around and said "is that you singing that part?" -- referring to a shrill high harmony I deliberately took myself for the Beach Boys sound since I have the most obnoxious falsetto in the band -- and I go " it too loud?" "Oh no!" Which was kinda cool), and then he launched into "California Girls" which nobody knew so we kind of winged it. It still went over great and a lot of people came up to ask about tomorrow's concert. Then he went off to sign books. Alan, Teresa and I hung out for awhile, talking to Al's wife and the event organizers, then T and I followed the others back to the hotel. Alan stayed and hung out with AJ after the Borders event for several hours."
1. Sloop John B
2. California Saga/California
3. Vegetables
4. Help Me Rhonda
5. California Girls
Contributed by: Adam Marsland