... SoHo may be gone, but we're not
Two years ago, I stumbled upon a room in which combat was second nature... and a given standard. As interesting as Area51 was, a pilgimage to SoHo eventually occured. This created a legend which hundreds are familiar with. That of Frogurt, a silly name, for a silly, but ingenious person. An army was created, a rival one as well to stand against us... one of the strongest rooms of the internet ripped in half by a plot engineered in South Jersey. SoHo may be gone, but we have returned, we are the Valkraen... and Tokyo looks like a fine home to me.
The page should be up and running within days, as Frogun is trying his hardest to find time within a busy schedule and many other updates.
Coming Soon!
Until then you can return to The Domain of Frogurt