Basic Rules
Hyperspace Rules
Combat Rules
Economical and Income Rules
Popular Support Rules
Production Rules
Shipyard Rules
Starfighter Factory Rules
Walker Factories Rules
Training Facilities Rules
Character Rules
Trade Routes
Research and Development rules
Be Realistic - The Golden Rule of Simming, the single most important aspect is.. BE REALISTIC
Do not metagame - This simply means, no cheating, and always state your actions during a sim, and not the effects of those actions. Example:
Davin Felth shoots at the stormtrooper, putting a smoking hole through the stormies head as he crumples to the floor
This is BAD. Do NOT do this.
Davin Felth slowly squeezes the trigger, his blaster aimed directly for the stormtrooper's head
This is GOOD. Do this.
Individuals make history - This sim adopts the "great individual" theory of history. This simply means that the defining moments in history were results of an invidual's actions and decisions, and that history would have turned out different without these individuals in question. Simply put, World War II would not have been the same without Winston Churchil, Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin, among many others. This does not mean that a single character can attack an entire platoon of enemy soldiers and win, but it does mean that characters do indeed have an impact on the galactic rythm and flow.
Defection - If you wish to defect, you must contact the rival faction leader, or a high ranking official in the faction in question, and tell them you want to defect. You cannot simply "join" the other faction, and you must do it during a sim, either a space battle, or a privately arranged sim.
Cooperation - Even though many people may be fighting eachother on different sides during a galactic war, common cooperation is necessary if we are to succeed, and survive. Do not slander or use improper language against members of rival factions outside of sims, and even in sims, keep your attitude healthy.
If you join a fraction like the NR they WILL a sign you a ship from their you can modify the ship (fighters you can only upgrade transports and bigger you pretty much can change around) look at modifications for some things you want to do to your ship all ships modified must be aproved by the GM.
Hyperspace travel takes 24 from a sector border to the other side of the sector, and normally takes several hours for in sector travel.
Weapons may not be fired in hyperspace
Ships may not make emergency exits in and out of hyperspace once they have begun their journey. unless 5 minutes are taken to prepare for this emergency exit. but none can be made in.
It takes atleast 15 minutes to calculate a hyperspace course, even if it is prelaid. This represents the computers gathering information on the ship's relative position to the rest of the galaxy.
Damaged or disabled ships may be towed through hyperspace via the use of tow cables or tractor beams.
Missiles pass through shields, because they are physical weapons, but have shorter ranges then large turbolasers. They can also be shot down fairly easy by large sprays of turbolaser fire, light laser cannons or starfighters.
Ion Cannons also pass through shields, but are normally to weak to have any significant effect on a ship unless its shields are already down.
Turbolasers and lasers are energy weapons that first strike the shields, and then proceed to the hull. Turbolasers are typically long ranged high powered weapons. For comparison a 5D turbolaser is equal to 250 joules of energy.
Shields are measured in % ratings, but normally a hull can take much more damage then a ships shields can, and shields must be focused on single or several fire arcs, and the more arcs it chooses, the less effective it becomes.
Typically a ships systems will go down, one at a time, and often weapons batteries will be destroyed in several arcs. When capital ships take fatal damage, they usually break appart rather then explode.
Ranges are measured in km, and typically, ships can travel these distances fairly quickly. Space refers to a ships speed in units of km. Normally, maximum firing range is 50-100km.
Planetary Assaults vary widely, but typically, all shields are energy only, so dropships and other such ships can pass through. If they include physical shielding, but no energy, orbiting ships can simply bombard the area, so energy is usually the shielding of choice, and ground assaults are launched to destroy the shield generators so orbital bombardments can begin. Planetary defenses may only fire on ships that are in orbit over the planet, and may not pass through their own shields (refer to weapons.wri for more information on this).
Planets are the main source of revenue for factions, and each of them produces a selected mpw, short for million per week, which means millions of credits per week. This is also affected by a planet's favor to the faction.
Economic charters and stocks are ways for factions smaller then galactic governments to gain revenue, for example, the Black Sun may own contracts in BlasTech, and gain additional income for these. The Black Sun may also hold slaving contracts, and transport contracts with various companies, such as Kuat Drive Yards or Siener Fleet Systems. The charters must be approved by the Game Master (refer to companies.wri for more information on individual companies).
Popular support and favor also plays an important part in the sim (much like in the LucasArts game 'Rebellion'). A planet will normally have loyalty to its ruler and controller, but it will sometimes sway towards that of a rival faction. This is measured on a scale of 1-10, 1 being armed uprisings and 10 being total patriotism.
Factions may gain support in a number of different ways, mainly whatever is realistic at the time. Having victories in the sector, especially in the same system as a planet, and they may also send diplomats and ambassadors to that sector to preach goodwill about the faction (popular situations for mini-sims).
Factions lose favor when the ruling faction pisses the general public off, this causes the public to sway towards another faction. Popular support will also sway (sometimes) if the ruling faction loses a battle or engagement near the system.
When constructing a ship, the faction must pay for the ship's cost beforehand, this represents labor, raw materials, and general costs. After this is paid, construction will begin.
Time for constructing a capital ship will be approximately 2 days for every 100 meters of ship (this may vary for ships that are 'fat' rather then long). If you assign additional shipyards to it, simply divide the base time of 100m2 = x, simply divide x by y, where y equals the number of shipyards working on the ship.
All faction's must send updates and lists of their ship production to the neutral Game Master. If they do not, the production of the ship in question will not occur.
Only faction leaders, or individuals that have been appointed as construction managers by the faction leader may issue orders for construction.
When constructing starfighters, all production is done at the squadron level (12 ships per squadron). All costs must be paid for in advance, and each squadron costs 12x that of the cost listed on the shiplist.
The time to build starfighters is determined by the type of starfighter, and all of them are constructed in squadrons. Each individual fighter takes 1 day. A starfighter plant may make 3 seperate squadrons at a time, therefore, it takes 12 days to make 3 squadrons.
Only faction leaders, or individuals that have been appointed as construction managers by the faction leader may issue orders for construction.
none yet talk to me if ya got one.
Players may NOT have more then one character. This prevents intelligence gaining from having another character in a rival faction.
Star Wars RPG 2nd Edition stats are used for characters, and you must make your character using these rules.
Trade routs must be in place, these are the routes used by planets to deliver goods from one sector of the galaxy to another. The core gets the brunt of the economy, usually having goods shipped from the outer rim and then distributed among the worlds in the core.
These are only for simming purposes, and so pirates know where to attack and strike.
You may develop and design anything, from a 10 mile long starship, to a new type of clothing. All designs must BE REALISTIC, no more death stars.
All designs must be approved by the Game Master, he will assign a cost for research and a time, during this time, designs may be "tweaked" and altered. Be realistic.
You cannot build "super ships" and the only real use of R&D to is to supply specific ships. Example: If you come up with a new technology (which also must be researched) you can then design a platform to use this technology, two examples of this are Interdictor Cruisers and Abolisher Cruisers.
All technology Can be scrutinized and edited, so don't be mad if the stats for your idea is rejected outright, or altered.
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