CCD Camera Notes
How to view and photograph the heavens using a
CCD TV camera and telescope all for less than $500!
As you can see from the photos on this site this can be a very
interesting hobby. (The arrangement described here will require some
modification of a CCD TV camera.)
Equipment List: (prices as of 11/00)
Celestron Classic Newtonian Reflector Telescope (.965" eye piece)
Telescope & Binocular Center <$200
Meade reflector telescope with computerized StarFinder <$250
Available at COSCO or SAM's Club
(The savings of this one item covers the cost of membership of either place)
B/W closed circuit surveillance CCD TV camera and monitor with
video output jack SAM's Club <$200
3/4" copper pipe coupling (most hardware stores) $2
You will need to open up the TV camera and remove the lens attaching a
3/4" copper pipe coupling in its place. The pipe will be much larger in
diameter and will probably fit around the lens holder. I was able to
use the lens locking screws on either side of the lens holder to hold
the coupling in place by drilling holes in each side of the pipe. Epoxy
will do if there are no screw holes available to attach the drilled
pipe. The lens hole in the plastic cover may need enlarging to allow
the pipe to fit through. You may be able to epoxy the pipe coupling to
the outside of the plastic case thus all that needs to be done to the
camera is the removal of the lens. To test your system, remove the
telescope's eye piece and place the camera into the lens holder. Aim
the telescope out of a OPEN window at an object more than 500 feet away
while looking at the TV focus the telescope. You should be able to get
a sharp clear picture of a distant object on the TV screen. In
operation you will be focusing an image on the CCD cell as if it were
film in a camera. To add more strength you can use a Barlow lens in
front of the CCD camera.
To capture the pictures you see on the TV use a VCR or a Snappy and a
computer. You can print them through the computer.
Optional Equipment:
Telescope with a Polar Mount $250
The Polar Mount WITH THIS MOTOR tracks the sky as $99
the earth turns thus will show an object without
continious adjustment to keep the object in the
center of the screen.
>> The COSCO or Sam's Club telescopes come with the ability to track
>> using the StarFinder hand held computer - nothing else is needed.
VCR $150
Snappy TV to Computer Interface (PriceCosco) $79
Computer (IBM compatible) $700+
Printer $150