Please read the 3D Competition Rules first. Failure to comply to the rules will result in your items not being included in the exhibit. The NSA can not take responsibility for damaged or stolen Items, but every precaution will be instituted to protect each member's property. MEET THE EXHIBITORS: Exhibitors will be asked to be in the exhibit area on Saturday afternoon to meet members who have questions and comments. We hope you will participate in this exciting interaction. TITLE OF EXHIBIT: ______________________________________________________ NO. OF VIEWS: ______, BRIEF DESCRIPTION: _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ *Salon A *Salon B *Salon C Category Code: Category Code: Category Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 (circle one or circle one or circle one) SURNAME INITIAL: ___, YOUR NAME: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________, STATE: ______, ZIP: _________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ PHONE: Hm(______)-______-_______, Wk(______)-______-_______ Application fee of $6.00 is enclosed for a Salon A or Salon B entry or $2 for each Salon C entry. PLEASE USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH ENTRY APPLICATION. PLEASE NOTE, These entry forms must be received at the address below by 6/30/98. Make checks payable to: NSA'98 (Amount can be included in your registration check) Send this form with entry fees and return posts to: Tom Moore, Exhibits Coordinator NSA Richmond '98 PO Box 21 Total amount for this form: $____.____ Barhamsville, VA 23001 DO NOT SEND YOUR ENTRY WITH THIS APPLICATION Please state how your entry will arrive: ____ I will be attending the Convention and will bring my entry to the exhibit Room on Friday, 8/7/98 ____ I will be attending and will bring my entry to the exhibit room on Saturday morning, 8/8/98 ____ I will NOT be attending and will send my entry to (address will be published later on the WWW & you will be notified) so that my entry arrives before 6/30/98 * Salons A, B, or C do not indicate physical Marriott Hotel locations. Return