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Elaine Duckworth, President         Gary Cowardin, Editor    
2508 Hanover Avenue                 1404 Lorraine Ave.       
Richmond, VA 23220                  Richmond, VA 23227-3735           

"Battle of Richmond, KY" by Phillip Seyfrit 7:30pm, Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at the First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA.,
4602 Cary Street Road, 23226. A parking lot is available behind the church with an entrance off the parking lot to the right and up a few steps into the DINING HALL on the left. A lifelong Madison County, Kentucky, resident, Phillip Seyfrit is a graduate of Model Laboratory School, Eastern Kentucky University and the Mid- America College of Funeral Service. After a twenty year career in funeral industry, in late 2007 Phillip changed direction and accepted the position of Historic Properties Director for Madison County, which duties include management and proper interpretation of the properties relating to the Battle of Richmond and the other Madison County parks sites. Phil's active in Richmond's First Presbyterian Church, the Richmond Masonic bodies, and many national, state and local Civil War preservation and history groups. He is also past president of the Madison County Historical Society. He has been published in several Civil War periodicals and enjoys visiting Civil War battlefields and related sites. Phillip portrays Federal Colonel William Link and Confederate Colonel Preston Smith at events relating to the Battle of Richmond. He is program chairman of the Madison Co. Civil War Roundtable, president of the Central Kentucky World War II Roundtable, and a board member of the Flags for Veterans-Madison County. He served on the Kentucky Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission. Meeting Attendance for February: 53 NOTE: Please put on your NAME BADGE on when you arrive for the meeting. (They will be on a table near the back or side of the room.)
Message from Our President As an enthusiastic supporter of the Civil War Trust's mission, I turned to their invaluable website to preview the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky to prepare for our March 13th meeting. I encourage you to follow this link to an overview, battle maps, specifics on the battle, information on the 1862 Perryville Campaign, biographies and featured articles. Thank you for your attendance at our February 13th meeting dedicated to Richmond, Virginia's historic Shockoe Hill Cemetery. After our meeting, I found a photo of John Minor Botts (16 Sept. 1802- 9 Jan. 1869) and his epitaph at Shockoe's Find a Grave website. His words memorialized in granite are remarkable: "I know no North, no South, no East, no West. I only know my country, my whole country and nothing but my country." We are currently seeking an intern who'd like to learn the ropes from Sandy to become our next secretary. If you feel a tug to answer the call, please let Sandy know. She's ready to take you under her wings and teach you all she knows about the position. Along with Sandy's service, I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Gary Cowardin for his dedication and service to our round table. He developed the first website for the RCWRT in 1997 and has been our webmaster and newsletter coordinator since taking on the website responsibility. Thanks, Gary, for your perseverance and hard work. As I mentioned at our last meeting, I'm looking for input. I've gotten a few great ideas already from some of our seasoned members on ways we can improve our organization. Please contact me via email or share them with me at our next meeting. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Elaine
2018 Membership and Information Form 2018 RCWRT membership dues are being collected through April 1. Individual member dues is $35. Couples members dues are $45. Dues will be collected at the March meeting for the amounts stated above. Checks should be addressed to RCWRT. Cash in exact amounts will be appreciated. Using the link below open the .pdf file print and fill it out then either bring it to the meeting along with payment or mail it to Sandy @: Sandy Parker, RCWRT Secretary 2425 Falkirk Drive North Chesterfield, VA 23236 2018 Membership and Members Contact Information .pdf Form (Click the link above and the .pdf form should open ready for printing.) Dues postmarked April 2 forward are considered late. A $25 late fee will be added to individual and couple memberships. $60 = individual and $70 = couple membership. New members are welcome throughout the year. A one time initiation fee of $25 is added to the $35 individual or $45 couple membership dues. Please follow the instructions on the members form on the RCWRT website.
FYI The First Presbyterian Church of Richmond has published an excellent account of its history in Richmond. Well researched and full of fine illustrations, Footprints of the Saints: A Narrative History of the First Presbyterian Church, 1812-2012, tells the story of the congregation during eras before and after the Civil War. First Presbyterian is making copies of this bicentennial history available to those Round Table members who would like to have one and is asking only for whatever they may be willing to contribute. The funds received will be used to support the Church's ongoing ministry in Richmond. A number of our members asked for copies at the February meeting and they will be available for pickup at the March meeting. There will be additional copies available for any who would like to have one. Jack Mountcastle
Help Us Save Postage Costs If you have an E-mail address and internet access and are not currently receiving your newsletter notification via E-mail please let me have your NAME and E-mail address. My E-mail address is: (You can also use this link to change E-mail addressess just click my E-mail address above. If you are changing an E-mail address be sure to include the old address.)
Civil War Trust For the latest CWT news visit:
Upcoming Events/Links
I hope this note will work to alert members of the RCWRT to the March 30 conference in Charlottesville sponsored by the Nau Center at UVA. The title is "Civil War Lives," and as with all the Center's programs there is no charge to the public. Here is more information on speakers and topics: (from Gary Gallagher)
National Park Service Richmond
Richmond Battlefields Association News & Events
Visit the American Civil War Museum at Tredegar and the White House of the Confederacy
Pamplin Historical Park and The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier
Chambersburg Civil War Seminars & Tours
RCWRT Monthly Speakers for 2018
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