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Troy Arnold, President               Gary Cowardin, Editor    
301 Hollyport Road                   1404 Lorraine Ave.       
Richmond, VA R23229                  Richmond, VA 23227-3735                 

"Richmond Ladies and 'Not-So-Ladies' in the Confederate Capital" by Dr. Ashley Whitehead Luskey 7:30pm, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at the First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA.,
4602 Cary Street Road, 23226. A parking lot is available behind the church with an entrance off the parking lot to the right and up a few steps into the DINING HALL on the left. Ashley is an historian and consultant based out of Morgantown, WV. She earned her BA in History from the College of Wiliam & Mary, and both a Masters in History, with a concentration in Public History, and a Ph.D. in History from West Virginia University. She has extensive experience with the National Park Service, having worked at Gettysburg National Military Park, Historic Jamestowne, and most recently, 8 years at Richmond National Battlefield Park, where she helped orchestrate and lead numerous special tours and programs for the Civil War Sesquicentennial. In addition to serving as a regular speaker at a variety of conferences and educational institutions across the country, Dr. Luskey is the author of numerous magazine and blog articles, as well as "From Women's History to Gender History: Revamping Interpretive Programming at Richmond National Battlefield Park," an article published in the scholarly journal Civil War History, in June of 2016. She is currently revising her doctoral dissertation--a cultural study of Richmond's leading ladies and their social and political leadership during the Civil War--for publication. Meeting Attendance for March: 71 NOTE: Please put on your NAME BADGE on when you arrive for the meeting. (They will be on a table near the back or side of the room.)
Message from Our President Well, we had another eye opening talk at our April meeting. Our speaker, Terry Winschel, had plenty of experience with the subject matter, Vicksburg, and presented it from a different perspective, the civilian at the battle site. We've heard from the DPs and the refugees but not the on site non combatant participants. What an experience. It showed what courage those folks had to "shelter in place." Things we take for granted were only dreamed of. Imagine, recycling wallpaper for the newspaper, the constant cannon fire and it got worse from there. Sherman was correct, War is Hell. It's just that the civilians got there just as quickly as the combatants. What a good storyteller. Troy
RCWRT Bus Tour Scheduled for June 24 All was not quiet along the Potomac during the fall and winter of 1861. Beginning that May, Confederate forces sought ways to isolate Washington via the Potomac blockade. In a series of strategic moves, skirmishes and naval battles, Confederates created an embarrassment for the Lincoln administration. Until March 1862, Washington was virtually blockaded, driving up prices in the capital and effecting the supply of McClellan's forces. Last September, historian Rob Orrison spoke to the Richmond Civil War Round Table on the Potomac Blockade. We are honored to have Mr. Orrison lead us on a tour of many of the sites associated with the oft-overlooked blockade. On Saturday morning, June 24 we will meet in the parking lot of the Lowe's at 8001 Brook Road near Parham. Our bus will depart at 8:30 and we will head north for stops at Aquia Landing, Aquia Church, Quantico Marine Base, Williams Ordinary, Cockpit Point and Leesylvania State Park. Please note: a government issued ID (such as a driver's license) will be required to gain access to the base at Quantico. Cost of the tour is just $35 per person. Please make your check payable to RCWRT and bring it to the May meeting or mail it to: Rob Monroe 9733 Fireside Drive Glen Allen, VA 23060 Please plan to pack a lunch and join us. This is truly a unique tour as we will be visiting sites not accessible to the general public. We should arrive back in Richmond around 5:00.
We are looking for some good books for our Book Raffel (Please see Danny Witt at the meeting)
Please welcome the following new members: Cassel Adamson Lynette Alley 2017 Membership Dues were due by April 1 A late fee of $25 is now in effect for additional 2017 memberships. Membership and Members Contact Information .pdf Form Sandy Parker, RCWRT Secretary 2425 Falkirk Drive North Chesterfield, VA 23236
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