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Elaine Duckworth, President         Gary Cowardin, Editor    
2508 Hanover Avenue                 1404 Lorraine Ave.       
Richmond, VA 23220                  Richmond, VA 23227-3735           

"Johnston at Shiloh" by Greg Mertz, Scribe 7:30pm, Tuesday, September 11, 2018, at the First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA.,
4602 Cary Street Road, 23226. A parking lot is available behind the church with an entrance off the parking lot to the right and up a few steps into the DINING HALL on the left. Greg is one of the founders of the Rappahannock Valley Civil War Round Table and was the president for the initial two years of the organization. Greg is also a past vice-president of the Brandy Station Foundation. He grew up near St. Louis, Missouri, is a graduate of the University of Missouri, and has a masters from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. Greg is an Eagle Scout and annual visits by his Boy Scout troop to the Shiloh National Military Park resulted in his fascination with the Civil War and his love of parks. He first worked for the National Park Service as a temporary employee at Gettysburg National Military Park, then as a permanent employee at both the Eisenhower National Historic Site and Gettysburg for a total of four years. He then held several different positions at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park for 34 years - most of them as the Supervisory Historian, managing the personal services provided by permanent, temporary, volunteer and intern historians. He has written four feature articles for Blue and Gray Magazine and within the next year his book Attack at Daylight and Whip Them: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862 will be released in the Emerging Civil War series. Meeting Attendance for July: ~75 NOTE: Please put on your NAME BADGE on when you arrive for the meeting. (They will be on a table near the back or side of the room.)
Message from Our President Dear Members, As the humid haze of summer lifts, autumn is the pefect season to walk battlefields and appreciate the green spaces of our beautiful and historic national parks. Even if you've visited all of the parks within a day's drive, I encourage you to return again this fall to enjoy the outdoors and gain a new perspective. On September 1st, I revisited Colonial National Historical Park at Yorktown to learn more about the Siege of Yorktown in 1781 and the Second Siege of Yorktown in the Spring of 1862. In 1781, Cornwallis found himself in an impossible situation, a siege in the truest sense of the word. It's a testament to Lee's greatness as a general that he was able to keep Grant at bay nine and a half months, almost twenty percent of the war, and ultimately deny Grant from achieving a true siege at Petersburg. I hope you're able to make our round table's rescheduled annual field trip to City Point, Five Forks, and Petersburg National Battlefield on September 8th. To our members who work for or volunteer at our national parks, I send my gratitude. It's a noble calling to be stewards of our national parks and educate the public about their history and the importance of conservation. I look forward to seeing you on September 11th when Greg Mertz from the Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania NMP will present on A.S. Johnston at Shiloh. Elaine
REMINDER, THIS SATURDAY IS THE RCWRT 2018 FIELD TRIP Attendees meet the bus this Saturday, September 8th by 0900 Lowe's parking lot at the corner of Brook an Parham. You can bring your lunch our eat at McDonald's. Questions? E-mail:
RCWRT Historical Files Dear members, The RCWRT maintains our organization's historical files in the archives at VCU's James Branch Cabell Library. As you look through your RCWRT memorabilia, please think of what you might want to contribute to our collection. If you are interested in doing so, please bring your items to the October meeting or schedule a time with me to gather your contributions. Thank you in advance for your interest in this project. Sandy Parker
2018 Membership and Information Form 2018 RCWRT membership dues were collected through April 1. Dues postmarked after April 1 are considered late. A $25 late fee will be added to individual and couple memberships. $60 = individual and $70 = couple membership. Using the link below open the .pdf file print and fill it out then either bring it to the meeting along with payment or mail it to Sandy @: Sandy Parker, RCWRT Secretary 2425 Falkirk Drive North Chesterfield, VA 23236 2018 Membership and Members Contact Information .pdf Form (Click the link above and the .pdf form should open ready for printing.) New members are welcome throughout the year. A one time initiation fee of $25 is added to the $35 individual or $45 couple membership dues. Please follow the instructions on the members form on the RCWRT website.
Civil War Trust For the latest CWT news visit:
Upcoming Events/Links
Thursday, September 20 at 5pm The Nau Center will host John Marszalek at the Small Special Collections Library Auditorium at the University of Virginia to talk about his new annotated edition of Ulysses S. Grant's famous account of the Civil War, The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant.
National Park Service Richmond
Richmond Battlefields Association News & Events
Visit the American Civil War Museum at Tredegar and the White House of the Confederacy
Pamplin Historical Park and The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier
Chambersburg Civil War Seminars & Tours
RCWRT Monthly Speakers for 2018
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©R.C.W.R.T. 2018