Doug Crenshaw, President Gary Cowardin, Editor
3354 Burnett Field Drive 1404 Lorraine Ave.
Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Richmond, VA 23227-3735
Message from Our President
The Board has been monitoring the Covid situation carefully in the hope
that we might be able to meet again soon. At this time, that is neither
advisable nor possible. The church has quite rightly restricted the
attendance at meetings, and so we cannot assemble there for the time
being. We also have cancelled the November banquet for reasons I am
sure you can understand. Let's hope next year is much better!
In the meantime, Andy Keller has proposed a motion that was
overwhelmingly passed by the Board. It reads as follows:
1. No membership renewal dues for 2021 shall be due until 31 days after
the membership has physically met to discuss and approve a motion as to
the amount of those dues.
2. At the same meeting the membership will elect the officers and
Directors for 2021.
3. If any vacancies occur on the Board, the president may appoint
someone to act in that capacity until a meeting is held and an election
is possible.
I hope this letter might answer any questions that you might have.
Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me, or any other Board member.
We look forward to meeting with all of you again as soon as we can.
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