Membership Form of the Richmond Civil War Round Table
Applicant Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State & ZIP: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone Numbers: (home) ______-______-________ (work) ______-______-________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________
Type of membership (make selections):
___ Resident (individual) - $35 ___*Nonresident (individual) - $20
___ Resident (couple) - $45 ___*Nonresident (couple) - $25
___ Senior Member $20 (over the age of 65 andhas 10 years of membership)
___ Senior Couple $25 (over the age of 65 andhas 10 years of membership)
___ Student member (13-17 yrs old) - $20
___ Sustaining member - $50+ (dues plus contribution)
x $25 Initiation Fee - payable by all new members in addition to annual dues.
(*Nonresident is defined as living 50 miles outside of Richmond)
Membership Activation
Applicants for Resident Membership are asked to visit two regular meetings of the RCWRT.
I attended the following RCWRT meetings: 1) ____/____/_____ 2) ____/____/_____
Applicants for *Nonresident Membership are not required to attend two meetings.
Please provide a brief description of your interests in the American Civil War:
Monthly newsletter preference (select one):
___ Electronic copy via E-mail (faster and saves RCWRT funds)
___ Printed copy via US mail (slower)
Signature of applicant(s):
_____________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
_____________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
Please make checks payable to RCWRT and return this form with payment to:
Sandy Parker, RCWRT Secretary
2425 Falkirk Drive
Richmond, VA 23236
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©R.C.W.R.T. 2000-2012