The Constitution of the Richmond Civil War Round Table
Founded August 10, 1954
Amended October 9, 1980
Amended December 9, 2009
Amended December 13, 2016
Amended January 2019
The name of this organization shall be:
To discuss the events, customs, military actions and other activities
pertaining to the Civil War (1861 - 1865). To encourage and stimulate
interest in the objectives of all agencies interested in the
preservation and protection of landmarks, earthworks, relics and
collections of data pertinent to the above period for use by the general
Section 1: There shall be five (5) classes of membership:
a. Member - individual who is in good standing continually from
initially joining
b. Member couple - individuals who are in good standing continually from
initially joining.
c. New Member - An individual who joins for the first time or renews after
a 6-month lapse of membership
d. New Member Couple - Individuals who join for the first time, add a
spouse to the membership of an existing member or renews a couple's
membership after a 6-month lapse of membership.
e. Student - 13 years or older and enrolled as a full time student
Section 2: By three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at any
regular business meeting, The Richmond Civil War Round Table may elect
to Life Honorary membership any persons who have made outstanding
contributions to the knowledge and/or advancement of the Civil War
period. There shall be no more than ten (10) Life Honorary members at
any given time.
Section 3: The secretary shall receive and process application for all
membership categories.
Section 1: The officers of The Richmond Civil War Round Table shall be:
a. President, who shall preside over general and special meetings,
b. First vice president, who shall act also as Program Chairman,
c. Second vice president, who shall act as Chairman of Field Trips and
arrange the following year's programs,
d. Secretary, who shall maintain records of memberships and collect dues,
e. Treasurer, who shall receive and assist secretary in collecting and
depositing revenues, pay expenses, and report on finances, and
f. Webmaster, who shall maintain and update the organization's website.
These officers shall be duly elected at the annual meeting and shall
serve for the term of one (1) year. These officers shall be chosen from
and by members in good standing.
Section 2: The duties of the offices shall be those described generally
in Section 1 above and more specifically in position descriptions.
Section 3: The above mentioned officers, the immediate Past President
and three Past Presidents to be designated by vote of the membership at
the annual meeting shall compose an Executive Committee.
a. This governing body is empowered to transact any business of this
organization except the election of officers and of the Executive
Committee and the establishment of dues and initiation fees.
b. Said Executive Committee may recommend policy and programs for ratification
of the membership.
c. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a
Section 4: The term of officers and committees shall be from January 1 through
December 31 or until their successors are elected.
Section 1: The members shall meet once a year in the month of December
at a business meeting; hereafter, called the Annual Meeting for the
purpose of presenting the annual reports, budgets, fixing of the dues
and election of officers.
Section 2: The regular monthly meetings of this organization shall be on
the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of the Holiday
meeting held in November.
Section 3: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all
matters before the organization where not otherwise specified.
Section 1: Each member of The Richmond Civil War Round Table shall pay
dues to the Secretary the amount voted by the membership at the annual
meeting as the year's rate of dues.
a. Upon recording for active membership purposes, the Secretary will
forward members checks to the Treasurer or deposit them in agreement
with Treasurer.
b. Checks will be used as a document of payment by members and recorded
in the yearly receipt book.
c. Cash payments will be recorded in the yearly receipt book and a
receipt will be given to the members for their records.
d. Payment of dues is on or before February 15 yearly or as otherwise
specified in the RCWRT Member Application Form.
e. Dues announcements are published in the October - February newsletters.
Section 2: Members, who pay on or after February 16, are required to pay
a $25 late fee to remain in continuing membership status.
Section 3: Membership year is January 1 through December 31 and
coincides with terms of RCWRT officers.
Section 1: All new members to The Richmond Civil War Round Table shall
pay a one-time Initiation Fee.
Section 2: Prorate dues schedule will be as follows:
a. January 1 - June 30 = full payment
b. July 1 - December 31 = one half (1/2) payment
Section 1: The Executive Committee (described in Article IV, Section 3
above) shall also constitute the Nominating Committee and shall solicit
recommendations of candidates for officers from the membership and
recommend the slate of officers at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: Other committees may be named by the President. No such
committee shall serve longer than the end of one year; although, this
shall not prevent their re-appointment.
Section 1: Any member in good standing may bring a reasonable number of guests to any regular business meeting of this organization.
Section 2: No guest may attend more than two (2) meetings without applying for membership.
Section 3: Special meetings and social functions may restrict attendance of guests by action of the membership and/or Executive Committee.
Amendments may be made to this Constitution by a two-thirds (2/3) vote
of the members present at a duly called business meeting. Proposed
amendment changes will be made available to the membership in the
RCWRT's monthly newsletter the month prior to the meeting's discussion
and vote. The newsletter will be sent to each member as they have
indicated their monthly preference for mailing through the U.S. Postal
Service or electronic copy to the email address that the member has
provided the Webmaster. It is the responsibility of the member to
provide updated email address to the Secretary and/or Webmaster by email
as listed in the monthly RCWRT newsletter.
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©R.C.W.R.T. 2000-2019